Character Sheet Questions

Rules Questions

Hello everyone,

When I was looking at my character sheet I didn't really understand 2 things:

1) Under the Domain/Arcane School section, why are there 9 spaces with 9 boxes in them and lines that are too small to write in, because let's say I was a cleric with the war and honor domains, where would I put my domain spell slot spell and where would I put my domain powers, and again, what are the tiny lines and 9 boxes for?

2) Where do I put my list of spells for the day and where do I write what spells are in my wizard's spellbook. In the beginner box there was a list for the spells that you prepared for the day that you cross off and there was a wizard's spellbook section where you write what spells you have in your spellbook, but where is all of that in the normal character sheet (and also, where do you write what spells your sorcerer KNOWS)?

In my games.... Seperate document!

Wich sheet do you use? There's plenty sheets out there...

Try Happy Camper character sheets.

On the official Pathfinder Sheet, I put my domain powers under "Special Abilities" and I only use the Spell List area to write in my two domain names and then the domain spell from the different spell level.

I put a "t" on the left side of the spell's name that I am selecting that day, then an "x" next to that domain spell when I've used it. All other spells per day, separate sheet we made in house.

So if you look at the back of my character sheet, you'll only see the two domain spells for Law and Glory written in for each spell level with a "t" in front of the one I've taken for the day.

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