Official clarification needed for Arcane Blast feat

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

I am asking because I have seen several threads stating the same information about how the 'Arcane Blast' feat works, but I'd very much appreciate it if someone could link me to an official ruling/post. I don't know names of people who make rules calls on the forums, so the help would be appreciated!

I've been getting a character ready for Eyes of the Ten. And in the process of making sure he is 100% up to date; I want to have this information just in case my GM has any questions.

It's literally all there in the description for Arcane Blast. As a standard action, you give up one of your prepared spells or spell slots and fire a ray of magical energy that does 2d6 plus an additional 1d6 points of damage per each spell level sacrificed. You can't give up orisons or cantrips to use it.

The only things that aren't specifically stated is that Arcane Blast deals generic magical damage, so energy resistance doesn't apply, and that it's a supernatural ability, so spell resistance doesn't apply. You can find the supernatural ability bit here.

Liberty's Edge

Ashram wrote:

It's literally all there in the description for Arcane Blast. As a standard action, you give up one of your prepared spells or spell slots and fire a ray of magical energy that does 2d6 plus an additional 1d6 points of damage per each spell level sacrificed. You can't give up orisons or cantrips to use it.

The only things that aren't specifically stated is that Arcane Blast deals generic magical damage, so energy resistance doesn't apply, and that it's a supernatural ability, so spell resistance doesn't apply. You can find the supernatural ability bit here.

I knew the range and stuff, needed the supernatural ability bit. Sorry I wasn't more specific, but thank you!

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