Calling all music lovers! ;D


This is kind of an odd topic for this site I suppose, but it's something my group always tries to do, as we all have a strong love of music, and quite frankly I'm stumped.

See, whenever we design a new character, we find a theme song for them. Sounds pretty simple, right?

Right now, I'm playing a CN Cav/Sorc who is working to restore a deposed 10 year old girl to the throne of his home nation, as he is her sole surviving bodyguard after an assassination attempt on her entire family, and she is the only surviving member of said royal family.

So, what I'm asking you, is what songs happen to strike a bell in your mind as fitting for this character? I do have to mention, instrumentals are not allowed. The lyrics are what count.

I'm very eager to hear what you guys come up with. ^_^

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