Pomkin |
I know it's been done before, but here's my shot at converting the warlock to pathfinder.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Jx5VMWiS2ZMzBNLUNETG1YeFU/edit?usp=shari ng
I tried to keep it as close to the original class, while still giving it some customization options.
I'm planning on adding more pacts later.
Opinions? Does it seem unbalanced?

Calybos1 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Which "warlock" are you converting? A 3.x class, the Warcraft character class, the ones from Bewitched, or a generic fantasy-novel warlock archetype?
Also: the class skills list is... optimistic. A single class, with magic powers, that also gets to count Perception, Diplomacy and Intimidate, Spellcraft, UMD, and... Acrobatics as class skills? plus Stealth? plus Disable Device? Reads more like a wish list of "gee, woudn't it be great if a single class had ALL my favorite skills ever?"
I also note that this means the Aberrant pact is the only that actually grants a new class skill that was otherwise unavailable to the warlock.

Pomkin |
Which "warlock" are you converting? A 3.x class, the Warcraft character class, the ones from Bewitched, or a generic fantasy-novel warlock archetype?
Also: the class skills list is... optimistic. A single class, with magic powers, that also gets to count Perception, Diplomacy and Intimidate, Spellcraft, UMD, and... Acrobatics as class skills? plus Stealth? plus Disable Device? Reads more like a wish list of "gee, woudn't it be great if a single class had ALL my favorite skills ever?"
I also note that this means the Aberrant pact is the only that actually grants a new class skill that was otherwise unavailable to the warlock.
It is the 3.5 warlock, he uses invocations and eldritch blast.
On the subject of skills, I'll admit, I just copy and pasted that from another conversion here. I'll put more time into it, but the original class had a pretty beefy skill set. I'm mostly going to remove redundant skills and some rogue skills, like stealth and disable device. UMD is staying, because a lot of the class features revolve around it.
As a side note, I'm also working on finding all the 3.5 invocations for the warlock, and putting them in one document nice and organized. I'll have that up later.

XaycAnflY |
Keep disguise too, people don't like Warlocks and it is necessary if only from a rp stand point. And for invocations they didn't appear in alot of books and i will name them. Complete arcane. Complete Mage. And Cityscape.... Yep... That is it and their are only three or four in Cityscape. Also a true "conversion" needs new invocations, the limited choice was the most difficult thing (other than the limited number that you get, but ill get to that) their needs to be more, i will definitely contribute to this end. On top of the relatively limited choice, you ONLY get 12 invocations, and everyone who hears me say that is like "ONLY 12? They are at will spell-like abilities." but it really is a problem, every time you are choosing a new invocation you have to look at it like "this is ¹/¹² of my core power" this must be resolved. Here is what i suggest; the Eldritch Blast shapes a separate class feature (my highest recommendation) or add bonus feats from a warlock bonus feat list (this would also make taking feats easier because you dont have to look for stuff in so many different books). For the first option, it helps you have more invocations while having it limited. And you could still take them normally, but it not be taking away from your power. Of course you could always increase the number of invocations...

Pomkin |
Keep disguise too, people don't like Warlocks and it is necessary if only from a rp stand point. And for invocations they didn't appear in alot of books and i will name them. Complete arcane. Complete Mage. And Cityscape.... Yep... That is it and their are only three or four in Cityscape. Also a true "conversion" needs new invocations, the limited choice was the most difficult thing (other than the limited number that you get, but ill get to that) their needs to be more, i will definitely contribute to this end. On top of the relatively limited choice, you ONLY get 12 invocations, and everyone who hears me say that is like "ONLY 12? They are at will spell-like abilities." but it really is a problem, every time you are choosing a new invocation you have to look at it like "this is ¹/¹² of my core power" this must be resolved. Here is what i suggest; the Eldritch Blast shapes a separate class feature (my highest recommendation) or add bonus feats from a warlock bonus feat list (this would also make taking feats easier because you dont have to look for stuff in so many different books). For the first option, it helps you have more invocations while having it limited. And you could still take them normally, but it not be taking away from your power. Of course you could always increase the number of invocations...
I guess I could keep disguise, but I don't think I want to make new invocations. I don't think I'd be able to make balanced invocations, but allowing the warlock to use dragonfire adept invocations would probably be a good idea.
I'm already giving the class 6 free invocations, on top of the 12, so I think it is fair. I had thought of giving them 20 and the bonus 6, but there just aren't enough invocations out there to justify that, every warlock made would essentially be the same if they had that many to pick.
I had debated giving them bonus feats, but honestly, the class gets a lot of nifty features, I don't know how I could fit them in without the class being overpowered. What level's would I even put them in, and if I did, how would I handle them? Generic bonus feats, or pact specific?
Edit: I forgot to post the link to the index of invocations.
I'll have them all in a pdf or something here soon if anyone wants it.

XaycAnflY |
Woops, i didnt realize you already put those in.... It was late lol. Ok...... Id say that creating new invocations is still a necessity, it is pretty difficult to build a Warlock around a creative theme. Again i can beast that portion (as i was going to anyway). I will share my best idea i had for it when i was outlining the conversion. I was going to combine fiendish resilience with the fiendish flamewreath alternative feature (players handbook II) and make it a choice between the two and breaking it up into rounds (like Rage)

Pomkin |
Woops, i didnt realize you already put those in.... It was late lol. Ok...... Id say that creating new invocations is still a necessity, it is pretty difficult to build a Warlock around a creative theme. Again i can beast that portion (as i was going to anyway). I will share my best idea i had for it when i was outlining the conversion. I was going to combine fiendish resilience with the fiendish flamewreath alternative feature (players handbook II) and make it a choice between the two and breaking it up into rounds (like Rage)
If you can make some balanced invocations, I'll toss them into the document I'm making.
Here's an updated version of the warlock, I added bonus feats and fixed the skills a little.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Jx5VMWiS2Za3lQWlJ2SUxILVk/edit?usp=shari ng
Edit: Damn, the formatting got all messed up when I converted it to docx

Pomkin |
Id say instead of feats do bonus essences, most are feat-equivalent anyway do to them simply altering an ability you already have... Or maybe create some sculpt feats? Metablast feats lol i gptta read the new stuff though
Wouldn't that be overkill on all the invocations?
The feat extra invocation does exist, and pathfinder characters get buckets of feats, so the warlock could grab some more invocations if he felt starved even after the extra 6.
I really think I need to buff eldritch blast somehow, at 10th level the average damage is just 17.5 + charisma modifier bonus I added in.
It needs more oomph for blastlocks, glaivelocks and clawlocks are fine but blastlocks really suffer on the damage front.

Pomkin |
Idk about the taking invocations out and putting in bonus feats. In terms of buffing the EB you could bump the damage die up to d8s at some point. Either way im going to start play-testing the first version of it tomorrow.
What are you talking about? I didn't pull out any extra invocations.
And bumping the damage up to d8's would only make the glaivelock and the clawlock stronger, the blastlock would be in the same position he is in now., just with a little bit higher extra damage.

XaycAnflY |
On the v2 table, it only says 9 as the max. And im WAAAAAAY less concerned about those other "locks" when i was playing a warlock i hated those guys, and all the crap rules they came out with were just band-aids for a broken class. Thats why i hated Wizards, just churning out content to sell and having to constantly put more content out to "fix" it

Pomkin |
On the v2 table, it only says 9 as the max. And im WAAAAAAY less concerned about those other "locks" when i was playing a warlock i hated those guys, and all the crap rules they came out with were just band-aids for a broken class. Thats why i hated Wizards, just churning out content to sell and having to constantly put more content out to "fix" it
What are you even talking about? I'm looking at the chart on the link I posted and it still goes to twelve.
Lol did you read the material?
And I'm definitely concerned with balance if this is going to be a good conversion, "those other locks" matter because most people who played warlock in 3.5 were either glaivelocks or clawlocks.
Edit: I think I figured it out. I'll let the infernal warlock combine eldritch spear and eldritch chain, or maybe let eldritch chain hit more people.

Interjection Games |

Hey there! I think you're doing a fairly good job with the 3.5 framework, but the fact of the matter is it was a bad framework. Your invocations are restrictive and get dry, and the blasts aren't much better. I took a shot at this class a few months ago and rewired it to allow for more tactical thought and variety.
Here's what German reviewer extraordinaire Endzeitgeist had to say about it :)

XaycAnflY |
My biggest problems with the the Warlock was lack of choices and it was feat-starved. Are there more choices for the ethermancer? And i would like to see in the e supp. some possible flavors that can be used instead of what is there, like pulling ether from a forgotten plain (like spelljammer) or having the pinhole portal be contained inside their very souls having made a deal with who-knows-what to get it put there. Im not saying to have pages worth of alternatives just like a paragraph for ideas/inspiration so dms feel more comfortable/confidant in working it into a given setting. Are their archetypes already made up? Other than that i look forward to buying and using it! EDIT: nmv their are way more choices lol!

Ciaran Barnes |

Just a few things I noticed.
Improved Eldritch Blast: level 10 seems a strange place for this to enter, and a little strange for a spell attack. I would scrap it and make something new.
Imbue Item: magic item creation doesn't cost XP anymore.
Greater Eldritch Blast: tossing out some extra hp damage as a capstone doesn't make me go "oooh!" At level 20 I would you should stepping on the threshhold of immortality, or legend at least. An ability that sets him above those who are less. An ability that elevates all abilites. If you want to keep the blast though, you could turn it into a swift action, so that he has to use some other ability as his standard.

Pomkin |
Just a few things I noticed.
Improved Eldritch Blast: level 10 seems a strange place for this to enter, and a little strange for a spell attack. I would scrap it and make something new.
Imbue Item: magic item creation doesn't cost XP anymore.
Greater Eldritch Blast: tossing out some extra hp damage as a capstone doesn't make me go "oooh!" At level 20 I would you should stepping on the threshhold of immortality, or legend at least. An ability that sets him above those who are less. An ability that elevates all abilites. If you want to keep the blast though, you could turn it into a swift action, so that he has to use some other ability as his standard.
I think I'm gonna scrap Imp Eldritch blast and Imbue item, just don't know what to replace them with.
The warlock's capstones are by bloodline, take a look

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To put it bluntly: Your conversion is subpar and nearly straight.
That wouldn't be bad if it was a balanced class but frankly half of the mechanics were too awful to ever be used and the other half were too good for a DM to honestly like them.
"I can fly! Constantly with perfect maneuverability I might add!" Players
"No...there's a rockslide and you die."

Ciaran Barnes |

Hrmm... I guess an "improved" version of eldritch blast could do splash damage. Is that already an option? Perhaps Imbue could be changed so that be can "recharge" items like wands, staffs, etc. There would have to be limitations though, such only being able to restore one charge per day, or one charge for every X used.