I'm silly

Customer Service

Dark Archive

Hi, guys!
I attempted today to pay for my subscription, but every time I attempted it, I was told that the payment failed. I just checked my bank, and they show that I have 3 pending charges to Paizo, each for the amount that my subscription payment should have been. Please don't charge me 3 times! Also, I only want one of each of these books, not 3. I don't absorb the material as well if I attempt to read 3 copies of the same book at once.
Thanks, and y'all are awesome! Take good care of our girl 'Raya up there!

Well, since customer support won't be back till Monday, here is the "usual" answer, and I am sure that cs will answer more fully.

The "pending charges" are authorizations, which means they will expire in x days (depends on your bank).

The most likely reason the payment failed is that the address that the bank has on file does not exactly match what you have on file for Paizo.

Anyway, good luck, and HERE is the FAQ entry on all this.

-- david

Customer Service Representative

Looks like DM Papa.DRB answered that quite well. That is the FAQ I would have referred you to.

Also, the payment method did failed because it did not match the address verification check done by our credit card processing system. I see that you have already taken care of changing that, and it looks like the most recent authorization attempt has been successful. Your order is currently on the list to be picked by the warehouse.

As for the 3 failed authorizations, I have reversed them on our end of the system, so you should see them clearing from your bank in the near future. If they haven't cleared in the next 5 business days, I would recommend checking with your bank to see if they can speed the process up on their end.

Also, thanks, Jason! I'm being well taken care of here :)

If I can help you with anything else, please let me know.


Dark Archive

Thanks, Sharaya! Tell Dallas I said hi!

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