Check-out assist requested

Customer Service

Hi there!

I'm trying to resubscribe to the Pathfinder Adventure Path series, starting with #79 The Half-Dead City (Mummy's Mask 1 of 6). I can get as far as "Proceed to Checkout" --> Confirm your Order. I am unable to "Place Your Order"; that button is grayed out.

Is it because that issue is a preorder anticipated for March?
Is it because I am unable to input an Address for Subscription? (It would be the same address as under Payment Method.) If I try to Change Address, it asks me if I'm sure. When I confirm, it just takes me to the home page.

Not a rush - as I say, March - but would like to resolve the issue by then.

Thanks for the assist!

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have entered the billing address as the shipping address for this subscription. Please verify all of the information during the check out process. You should be able to complete your order now!

If you have any other issues, please let me know.


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