Elbedor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Don't worry RD, we may not get our +4 on the attack, but at least you can be comforted knowing that even if whatever we do has no effect what-so-ever, we can still brag about succeeding. ;)
Since the only part that matters is the Roll, we can:
"Successfully" Disarm an unarmed person.
"Successfully" Trip a prone target and make him provoke AoOs for all our friends.
"Successfully" Knock a Gelatinous Cube prone with an Overrun.
"Successfully" Knock a Snake prone with an Overrun.
"Successfully" Knock just about anything (immune to tripping )prone with an Overrun.
"Successfully" attack a blunt-immune target with a club.
"Successfully" attack a pierce-immune target with a spear.
"Successfully" attack a slash-immune target with an axe.
"Successfully" attack a target that is immune to all of my weapon's effects.
"Successfully" Demoralize a target that is immune to Fear.
"Successfully" attack a Pit Fiend with a flask of Alchemist's Fire.
"Successfully" attack a Pit Fiend with a flask of Acid.
"Successfully" poison that Pit Fiend.
"Successfully" Provide Long Term Care to a dead person.
"Successfully" Sunder a +5 Heavy Adamantine Mace with a pencil.
"Successfully" do a whole bunch of things we couldn't otherwise do.
But most importantly, we can point out to our grumbling party members that we are being "successful" (even if our contributions equate to Zero).

Remy Balster |

I'd like to thank every one for posting on this thread, but I'm going to go ahead and call this one settled. Its pretty clear from the rules and previous FAQ's that the AOO interrupts the act that triggered it. And since when I use Greater Trip to trip an opponent, the AOO is triggered when the opponent starts to fall down. (looses his balance)
So its settled. The AOO from Greater Trip is while the target is still standing.
Thank you again every one for your great thoughts and opinions. This topic is settled.
That is the wrong answer.
Watch, I'm a prophet. The DEVs will settle this one day.

Merm7th |
So a high level tripping kensai with a high tripping bonus and 10 AoOs can...
trip successfully provoking an attack of opportunity which he uses to
trip successfully provoking an attack of opportunity which he uses to
trip successfully provoking an attack of opportunity which he uses to
trip successfully provoking an attack of opportunity which he uses to
trip successfully provoking an attack of opportunity which he uses to
trip successfully provoking an attack of opportunity which he uses to
trip successfully provoking an attack of opportunity which he uses to
trip successfully provoking an attack of opportunity which he uses to
trip successfully provoking an attack of opportunity which he uses to
trip successfully provoking an attack of opportunity which he uses to
trip successfully
Which all happen in reverse order. That would look interesting. Anyone else in the party with multiple AoOs would have a field day.