Large Bastard sword on an enlarged player.

Rules Questions

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larsenex wrote:
He also mentioned using 'true strike' for an automatic hit....

No one took this one either, so I'll take a stab at it.

PRD wrote:


School divination; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, F (small wooden replica of an archery target)
Range personal
Target you
Duration see text
You gain temporary, intuitive insight into the immediate future during your next attack. Your next single attack roll (if it is made before the end of the next round) gains a +20 insight bonus. Additionally, you are not affected by the miss chance that applies to attackers trying to strike a concealed target.

emp. mine

True Strike is not an automatic hit. True Strike gives the caster a +20 to his next roll; characters who use True Strike can still miss if the opponent's AC is high enough, if there's a sufficient amount of cover (cover, not concealment), if his roll is low enough, or if his attack bonus is small enough.

True Story: Blight Druid cast True Strike (domain spell) on himself last Saturday. He STILL missed.


Natural 1s are the bane of Pathfinders everywhere.

Nefreet wrote:
Natural 1s are the bane of Pathfinders everywhere.

It wasn't even a Nat. 1. He had a +4 to hit, a +20 insight bonus, -8 for cover and melee (couldn't get him in a place that didn't have these penalties), and rolled a 5 for a grand total of 21, which didn't hit PC's AC. It was a sad moment, and he probably cursed Lamashtu or whomever.

Kinda makes you wish you used a 3d6 system, don't it?

Majuba wrote:

To sum up:

No enlarge.
Even enlarged, non-enlarged damage.
No vital strike (action action vs. standard action).

Open question on using Hand of the Apprentice with a two-handed weapon. Throwing a weapon with two-hands is normally a full-round action, but then throwing a weapon is normally an attack action, not a standard.

you know they are not actually throwing it right? its a su ability the normal thrown weapon rules are meaningless. aditonally at least one traditional wizard weapon tbe staff is 2h. the ability itself does not mention handedness.

Shadow Lodge

Mojorat wrote:
Majuba wrote:

To sum up:

No enlarge.
Even enlarged, non-enlarged damage.
No vital strike (action action vs. standard action).

Open question on using Hand of the Apprentice with a two-handed weapon. Throwing a weapon with two-hands is normally a full-round action, but then throwing a weapon is normally an attack action, not a standard.

you know they are not actually throwing it right? its a su ability the normal thrown weapon rules are meaningless. aditonally at least one traditional wizard weapon tbe staff is 2h. the ability itself does not mention handedness.
PRD wrote:

Hand of the Apprentice (Su): You cause your melee weapon to fly from your grasp and strike a foe before instantly returning to you. As a standard action, you can make a single attack using a melee weapon at a range of 30 feet. This attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, except that you add your Intelligence modifier on the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier (damage still relies on Strength). This ability cannot be used to perform a combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

The ability specifically says to use the normal rules for ranged attacks with thrown weapons. So, you are right that it isn't really a thrown weapon but it does use the rules for one.

Enlarge Person doesn't work on Tieflings, but there is no reason a wizard couldn't research a new custom spell, Enlarge Outsider.

With the research rules, it seems like a perfectly fine 1st level spell to make.

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Azuroth wrote:

Enlarge Person doesn't work on Tieflings, but there is no reason a wizard couldn't research a new custom spell, Enlarge Outsider.

With the research rules, it seems like a perfectly fine 1st level spell to make.

I Agree.

Azuroth wrote:

Enlarge Person doesn't work on Tieflings, but there is no reason a wizard couldn't research a new custom spell, Enlarge Outsider.

With the research rules, it seems like a perfectly fine 1st level spell to make.

I'd probably make it a 2nd level spell. Daze Monster, Hold Monster, Charm Monster, etc. are all typically at least two levels higher than the more basic humanoid versions of spells (based off of Wizard/Sorcerer access). Enlarge Monster should be higher level, probably level 3 if we're using the others as a judge. I'd probably put it at level 2, though (particularly if it's limited to Outsiders). Either way, I don't think I'd allow it as a 1st level spell.

Enlarge Outsider has some pretty staggering ramifications if any old Outsider can use it. Enlarged Elder Earth Elemental anyone? I prefer Enlarge Medium-Sized PC Outsider (Native)

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