Varisian Tatoo feat

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

Quick Question.

It's possible to take Varisian Tatoo like Spell Focus multiple time ?

The rule of thumb is a feat must state it can be taken multiple times, otherwise you can only take each feat once.

I think you can take these two multiple times.
Just not for the same school.
Or every enchanter ever would only take Spell Focus(Enchantment). +whatever to EVERY enchantment DC? Yes, thank you!

I'd say that every Spell Focus or Varisian Tattoo is a sub-feat based on which school you choose, so each can be taken once. Of course, what Torbyne said is probably more to RAW.

I would let anyone who wanted to take all eight Spell Focus feats for all eight schools of magic.

Make that seven, because we all know divination isn't reallyyyy a school.

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