Feat chain: Alchemical study (gain extracts as feats)

Homebrew and House Rules

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Umbral Reaver in this thread had a gret idea about gving some arcane powers by taking specific feats.

So I decided it could be a good idea to mix things up a bit and make something similar with Alchemist extracts. Maybe there already is something similar, if that is the case, sorry for wasting your time.

The new feat chain would be:

Alchemical study I
Prerequisite: 1 rank Craft Alchemy, 11 INT
Learn to make one 1st level alchemist extract per day, the same way alchemists make theirs. Can be taken multiple times to gain new extracts or to increase the amount of extracts per day. The extract DC and other parameters are treated as if your alchemist level was 1/2 your character level or full alchemist levels, if you poses any (whichever is higher).

Alchemical study II
Prerequisite: 4 ranks Craft Alchemy, Alchemical study I, 12 INT
Learn to make one 2nd level alchemist extract per day, the same way alchemists make theirs. Can be taken multiple times to gain new extracts or to increase the amount of extracts per day. The extract DC and other parameters are treated as if your alchemist level was 1/2 your character level or full alchemist levels, if you poses any (whichever is higher).

Alchemical study III
Prerequisite: 7 ranks Craft Alchemy, Alchemical study II, 13 INT
Learn to make one 3rd level alchemist extract per day, the same way alchemists make theirs. Can be taken multiple times to gain new extracts or to increase the amount of extracts per day. The extract DC and other parameters are treated as if your alchemist level was 1/2 your character level or full alchemist levels, if you poses any (whichever is higher).

Alchemical study IV
Prerequisite: 10 ranks Craft Alchemy, Alchemical study III, 14 INT
Learn to make one 4th level alchemist extract per day, the same way alchemists make theirs. Can be taken multiple times to gain new extracts or to increase the amount of extracts per day. The extract DC and other parameters are treated as if your alchemist level was 1/2 your character level or full alchemist levels, if you poses any (whichever is higher).

Alchemical study V
Prerequisite: 13 ranks Craft Alchemy, Alchemical study IV, 15 INT
Learn to make one 5th level alchemist extract per day, the same way alchemists make theirs. Can be taken multiple times to gain new extracts or to increase the amount of extracts per day. The extract DC and other parameters are treated as if your alchemist level was 1/2 your character level or full alchemist levels, if you poses any (whichever is higher).

Alchemical study VI
Prerequisite: 16 ranks Craft Alchemy, Alchemical study V, 16 INT
Learn to make one 6th level alchemist extract per day, the same way alchemists make theirs. Can be taken multiple times to gain new extracts or to increase the amount of extracts per day. The extract DC and other parameters are treated as if your alchemist level was 1/2 your character level or full alchemist levels, if you poses any (whichever is higher).

This is a nice idea, but with a total of 11 Feats for a human, who would spend 6 of them on gaining 1 extract per level instead of just playing an alchemist?

Kalridian wrote:
This is a nice idea, but with a total of 11 Feats for a human, who would spend 6 of them on gaining 1 extract per level instead of just playing an alchemist?

Imagine a high INT fighter with a truck of feats, spending some 2-3 on extracts would benefit him greatly in early-mid game. In general, few will go full 6 feats into this, but taking 2-3 would be a good idea for any non-spellcasting class, I know I would, If I plaid a rogue and didn't want to dip into a caster for 1-2 spells or to spend talents on it.

It would add a lot of versatility and diversity, and IMHO that's the reason I prefer Pathfinder over classic 3.5.

Sovereign Court


As an alternative, one could ditch the prerequisite of it being a chain, and just Alchemical study X, with prerequisites in craft alchemy ranks and Intelligence.

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