Rynjin |
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I know I can't be the only one with a Necromancer (mine is a JuJu Oracle 6/Agent of the Grave 4 in Way of the Wicked right now) in play currently, and who was very excited by the addition of these bad boys to my arsenal.
I have a few samples from some early tinkering with the things, and you can come up with some pretty neat stuff if you put your mind to it.
Sorry if the character sheets area bit messy.
Collossal Necrocraft Siege Weapons (8 CP)
Str: 47 (+18)
Dex: 9
Con: -
Int: -
Wis: 10
Cha: 10
Initiative: -1
HP: 198 (18d8 HD+36 Desecrate+18 Toughness)
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +11
CMB: +39
CMD: 48
AC: 23 ( -1 Dex, +18 Natural, -8 Size, +4 Armor)
Weapons: 2 Claws +23 (2d8+18), Bite +23 (4d6+18)
Speed: 30 ft. Land and Climb
Space/Reach: 30 ft. space, 30 ft. Reach
Feats: Toughness
Special Abilities: Trample (2 CP), Metal Armor (2 CP, +4 Armor), Climb speed (1 CP), Blade Fists (1 CP, +1d4 Bleed), Mostly Skeletons (1 CP, DR 5/Bludgeoning and 5 Cold Resistance), Extra Attack: Bite (1 CP)
BaB: +13
Cost: 36 HD and 4300 gp
Purpose: Literal one creature armies/siege weapons. We needed some big guns for a war, and we managed to scrounge up the 200 corpses necessary for two of these babies. Each one is worth about 300 soldiers (three ACR 1 armies unless my math is off).
These things actually have a higher CR (11) than any one of our party members right now. Should be interesting to see in action.
Large Necrocraft Troops (5 CP, Gorilla Beast)
Str: 23 (+6)
Dex: 11
Con: -
Int: -
Wis: 10
Cha: 10
Initiative: +0
HP: 77 (7d8 HD+14 Desecrate+7 Toughness)
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4
CMB: +10
CMD: 22
AC: 15 ( 0 Dex, +6 Natural, -1 Size)
Weapons: 4 claws +10 (1d6+6 plus Rend),
Speed: 30 ft. and 30 ft. Climb
Space/Reach: 10 ft space, 10 ft. reach
Feats: Toughness
Special Abilities: Climb Speed (1 CP), Extra Attack: Clawx2 (2 CP), Rending Claws (2 CP)
BaB: +5
Cost: 20 HD and 600 GP
Possible Image: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs46/f/2009/194/5/4/Infected_Gorilla_by_chrislaz zer.jpg
Purpose: One of my two "bodyguard" undead I'll be taking into combat with me. Will probably die in the first significant engagement, but will make a good meatshield and can mow through fodder alright, I think. At the very least, won't have any trouble getting up to enemies trying to attack from ledges and such.
Large Necrocraft Troops (5 CP, Skeletal)
Str: 23 (+6)
Dex: 11
Con: -
Int: -
Wis: 10
Cha: 10
Initiative: +0
HP: 77 (7d8 HD+14 Desecrate+7 Toughness)
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4
CMB: +10
CMD: 22
AC: 17 ( 0 Dex, +8 Natural, -1 Size)
Weapons: 2 claws +10 (1d6+6 plus Bleed), Bite +10 (1d8+6)
Speed: 30 ft. and 30 ft. Burrow
Space/Reach: 10 ft space, 10 ft. reach
Feats: Toughness
Special Abilities: Burrow Speed (1 CP), Mostly Skeletons (1 CP, DR 5/Bludgeoning and 5 Cold Resistance), Extra Attack: Bite (1 CP), Blade Fists (1CP, +1d4 Bleed), Bone Armor (1 CP, +2 Natural Armor)
BaB: +5
Cost: 20 HD and 600 GP
Possible Image: http://whatculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/odokuro.png
Purpose: Second "bodyguard" undead, can remain underground until needed, serving as probably a pretty surprising little slice of death if used right. Again, won't be much good against CR appropriate foes, but good resource saver against fodder, and I've always wanted a burrowing minion.
In the works: a Spy/Scout one (Medium sized at first, I only have 5 corpses left in reserve) with all CP put into movement types (Fly and Burrow, most likely) and moving faster. Feasibility of this one depends on the addition of two Isitoq mashed into its empty eye sockets, camouflaged as part of the creature but actually separate, and recording everything they see (or I tell them to). Relies on Isitoq actually being able to give orders to the thing, or the whole plan is a wash.
So, what have people been coming up with on these things? How creative can you get with the unholy amalgam of body parts that is the Necrocraft?

Ipslore the Red |

The creator can't create a necrocraft with more Hit Dice than her caster level.
Agent of the Grave's Inspired Necromancy ability specifically does not apply to creating undead. A juju oracle gains no ability to boost its CL that I can see. How are you getting a CL of 18 at level 10 for the war engines?

Rynjin |

Necrocraft wrote:The creator can't create a necrocraft with more Hit Dice than her caster level.Agent of the Grave's Inspired Necromancy ability specifically does not apply to creating undead. A juju oracle gains no ability to boost its CL that I can see. How are you getting a CL of 18 at level 10 for the war engines?
Hmmm...dunno. I know I have at least CL 14 from Undead Master but I may indeed have made an oopsie. I'll run it by Gauss later, may have to go with Plan B on the Necrocraft army if that's the case.
We spent a whole session building up the corpses for these things and nobody caught that. =/

Movin |
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Deathwine adds +1 CL to the next casting of a Necromancy spell per SL of the cure spell your spell just corrupted.
So get 2 potions of cure critical wounds, cast this each time you use the spell for the sake of Necrocrafting.
Bit more costly but I would imagine you could find a good place to steal curing potions from in WoTW.

Rynjin |

How do you add cost for more construction points? Can you? I only see rules for adding more HD
That one is pure houserule, my bad, I forgot to remove the extra CP and it's too late now. Method, anyway (houserule is double HD cost to create, like Animate Dead, equals +2 CP). There are semi-rules for GMs that say every 2 extra CP is equal to +1 CR.

Threeshades |

... Boy I'm glad I spotted this thread. I'll be running a necromancer anew in the near future, and this looks like a splendid way to make use of undead that I no longer need.
Necromancy is truly the one magic school for recyclers, as now you can even recycle the already recycled bodies into something new.
On a more on-topic note
Yes necrocrafts are awesome, they are like the necromancer's eidolon in a way. I was hoping for a while there would be a necromancy based variant or archetype of the summoner, but it alread works fine.
Now we just need similar rules for customizable constructs.

Rynjin |

What are the CR of the 2nd and 3rd creature?
Yes necrocrafts are awesome, they are like the necromancer's eidolon in a way. I was hoping for a while there would be a necromancy based variant or archetype of the summoner, but it alread works fine.
Now we just need similar rules for customizable constructs.
There already are. Necrocrafts are based on the Animated Object rules.