Finiens - Orthos, EbonFyre, Scintillae, et al's Homebrew World

Homebrew and House Rules

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In our setting, krogan would be orcs (not really surprising). Our catfolk are Leoni, proud hunter-gatherer shamanistic culture that are the remains of a proud empire.

ebon_fyre wrote:
In our setting, krogan would be orcs (not really surprising). Our catfolk are Leoni, proud hunter-gatherer shamanistic culture that are the remains of a proud empire.

For the sake of being different, I remade our orcs into animist/shaman types with a matriarchal structure, but otherwise similar to certain Native American groups.

I saw several references to Leoni, but may have missed the write up or it's not up yet. I wasn't 100% sure if they were catfolk or wemic, but that's probably due to my attention being diverted to Wallykazam by my 3 year old while I'm trying to read. :)

They've not been detailed yet... they originated on the same continent as the Elves and Kobolds (and Orcs and Glaistigs) so they'll be coming up soon, but Ebon and I need to discuss a bit more about them and work some things out before I'm ready to write up an article on them, so they'll probably be waiting until the last of this bunch.

But yeah design-wise they're a catfolk race, just with primarily leonine traits.

There are hordes on the horizon....

Expect something here within the next 24-48 hours.

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Orcs, Nomads of the Ice

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On the Origins of Orcs

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This is really cool stuff!

Thanks =) More coming as I can keep myself updating.

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Three updates so soon together? What is this madness?

Glaistigs, Sentinels of the Fey

Reading this stuff is making me realize I had not thought of everything for my own homebrew.

It's a work in progress for us. We're constantly adding, changing, adapting things. I put a note in one of the very first entries on the blog saying that anything I post there is what's used now (i.e. at the time of the posting), but might be open for changes.

It's cool stuff, man.

Because of another thread I went home yesterday and reread my origin story, the real origin story, and the things I had written about the gods.

I had some things in notes, but nothing else really ironed out, or how they would work out because of the back story.

I just need to sit down and iron this stuff out as time permits, really.

Yup! That's pretty much what this is. Putting to words all the stuff Ebon, Scint, our other players, and I have batted around and discussed and played with, and writing it out so other people can see it.

Just between time, distractions, and other obligations it's taken me almost a year to get this far, thanks to about six months of silence >_>

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On Glaistigs and Fey PC races in general

Orthos wrote:

Three updates so soon together? What is this madness?

Glaistigs, Sentinels of the Fey

Are glaistigs supposed to be a PC race? Their abilities seem kind of powerful compared to most PC races.

I do love the concept of glaistigs though.

They are a PC race! It actually balances out fairly well - we've got one in a game with a fetchling, another fey PC, and a couple of kitsunes, and it hasn't seemed too OP.

Dark Archive

Somewhat impatiently waits for Leoni update.

Unfortunately due to work being extremely busy, I have not gotten to do a sufficient amount of research to properly work out the Leoni. So, until I get the chance to do so, I am putting their article somewhat on the back burner.

Likewise, the races of Senkaku will be set aside for later, as they are currently undergoing some revision and examination as one of my players has taken on the task of fleshing out the isles more, something my own experiences with East-Asian myth and legend are too limited to do justice to on my own.

Instead we will move on to the continent of Wachara and the races native there. I'll double back to the Leoni as soon as I have a chance to give them the representation they deserve.

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I mean, I could try it, but I can't promise it wouldn't turn into a thinly disguised reenactment of Cats!, and no one needs Andrew Lloyd Webber in their worldbuilding.


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Children of Arachne

On spiders

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The Murī, Broken Children Rejected of Magic

The origins of the Murī and thoughts on Level Adjustment mechanics

Entomorphs, Unfortunates Reborn

On transformations as origin and danger, and concerning the entrapment of souls

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