Chooky |

In our group we came across this spell and was discussing what would happen when this spell interacts with Disable Device., and mainly the duration of Permanent is what is giving us doubt.
link: Phantom Trap
My opinion of the spell is:
DC of the Trap is either the Spell LV DC, or a specific trap DC to imitate if you have ranks in Craft(Trap).
Situation 1- Successful Disable Device
The disabler doesn't know it's a fake, successfully bypasses the trap, and the Phantom Trap rearms itself after 10 minutes (like a permanent Symbol spell)
Situation 2- Failed Disable Device
The trap goes off, but nothing happens as per the spell description, and the Phantom Trap rearms itself after 10 minutes.
My reasoning behind this the fact that it doesn't have a permanent until discharge line like most other spells, so it is effectively permanent until dismissed or dispelled.