Hrist Valkyr |

Hello all!
I just picked this game up last week and finally had a chance to try it out with the family. To my utter amazement they loved it. As such we will be playing the other scenarios and moving through Rise of the Runelords, etc. in the weeks to come.
That being said, I am uncertain how to handle all of the cards we gathered/won/drew/etc between scenarios. We went ahead and just used the recommended cards to make our initial decks. As we played we obviously acquired more cards by exploring. Once we were victorious we clearly had more than our initial 15 cards in our decks when adding up the non banished cards we had in our play area plus the one random "Item" card for winning the scenario.
For the next game, do we get to use any of those (non banished) cards to make up our decks for Poison Pill as long as they follow the max card limits for each type on our character cards? Or just our starting cards plus the one "Item" card?
Thank you in advance for your reply.

Brainwave |

Congrats! (and I'm highly jealous as I'm having trouble getting some of my regular group to keep playing)
The way to handle rebuilding decks between scenarios is -
After the scenario each person keeps cards equal to the amount of each card type listed for that character on the back of their card (the amount and types of cards you started with until you get feats to add more later).
Yes, you can choose any of the cards that were acquired during the adventure to keep in your deck. And you can trade between players when you decide which cards to keep for each person, but any excess cards over the amounts that are listed to be able to carry on the back of the character cards must be returned to the box after you choose which you want to keep of each type.
When you are given a loot item card, that card is just added to the pool of cards you have to choose from at the end of the adventure to rebuild your decks.
Also if you end up not having enough of a certain card type to fill all the decks to the required numbers and types of cards, then you can choose any card of that type from the box that has the "Basic" trait to add to your deck. Keep in mind however you have to take *any* extra card that any of the players picked up of that type if it is available before you can pick a card from the box.
For example if you are Ezren and have 1 weapon slot, somehow had your 1 weapon banished during the game so have no weapon cards - but Valeros picked up a spiked chain during the adventure and has it as an extra card, you have to take that spiked chain (which is a terrible weapon for Ezren since he has no weapon proficiency) instead of being able to pick out a card from the box. (I used that example because it happened to me in a game.)

Hawkmoon269 |

FYI: This is covered on page 19 of the rulebook.
Once you’ve completed a scenario, whether you win or lose, rebuild your character deck (see Between Games, below). Put all other cards back into the box.
And the Between Games section tells you the rules about what to do with all the cards you have when the scenario ends.
Welcome to the PACG!