MehWhyNot |

I'm a little confused on the wording of the spells a Witch gains from her Patron. Here is the wording:
At 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, a witch’s patron adds new spells to a witch’s list of spells known. These spells are also automatically added to the list of spells stored by the familiar.
So, are Witch's Patron spells automatically prepared everyday (effectively adding a spell slot like a wizard's arcane school), or are they just added to the spells stored by your familiar that you could prepare (taking up a normal spell slot)?

MehWhyNot |

These spells are just added to your famiars mind/body (however it holds them) you may select these spells just like if they were in a spell book, when you prepare each day you can choose if you want to cast it and how many times as normal not spontaneously.
Hope this helps.
Ok, that makes sense. This seems to make certain Patrons incredibly pointless (Portents, I'm looking at you).
Thanks, guys.