Scrogz |
Simple really.....
Greatsword with a dwarf head/face with "Calin's Touch" on one side and a Human make head/face on the other with "Godfied's Will"
The images/heads/whatever the top of the "handle" before the Blade.
Almost exactly like this image with the skull replaced with the above descriptions and the words...
Gotta cut/paste the link... ;tbnid=i8CiYz8A9n_h3M%3A& Fskull-sword.aspx&docid=y7rXp470t5AkeM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn2.big Sword__89162.1358875294.1280.1280.jpg&w=800&h=600&ei=O3_qUtGQDO GIygHgwYCoCg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=1654&page=1&start=0& ;ndsp=20&ved=0CI0BEK0DMBM