I would like to hire someone to complete a drawing for me....

Gamer Life General Discussion

I would like to hire someone with some level of artist talent to complete a drawing for me a a Sword/Sword Hilt for an important plot line in the game I am running.

Can anyone suggest someone who could do this for me or would be willing to take it on?

What do you want it to look like? Give a description and someone might take it on as a challenge rather than paying someone.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Plenty of artists you could likely find online on places like deviantart who will do commissions. You could also browse their gallery to see if you like their style before hand.

Simple really.....

Greatsword with a dwarf head/face with "Calin's Touch" on one side and a Human make head/face on the other with "Godfied's Will"

The images/heads/whatever the top of the "handle" before the Blade.

Almost exactly like this image with the skull replaced with the above descriptions and the words...

Gotta cut/paste the link...

http://www.google.com/imgres?sa=X&biw=1199&bih=609&tbm=isch& ;tbnid=i8CiYz8A9n_h3M%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.swordsofmight.com%2 Fskull-sword.aspx&docid=y7rXp470t5AkeM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn2.big commerce.com%2Fserver3300%2Fe08a1%2Fproducts%2F1673%2Fimages%2F2792%2FSkull Sword__89162.1358875294.1280.1280.jpg&w=800&h=600&ei=O3_qUtGQDO GIygHgwYCoCg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=1654&page=1&start=0& ;ndsp=20&ved=0CI0BEK0DMBM


Very respectfully,

Advice: This thread doesn't belong in Pathfinder RPG Advice forum.

Looks like you've already gotten some good leads.

Dark Archive

I second MrWakka's suggestion.

Did some checking around and think I found what I need. Thanks for the help!

Actually, fits fine in advice as I needed advice and it directly relates to my Pathfinder game.

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