Inquisitor Inquiries and matching the fluff


Silver Crusade

So, I had an idea to make an inquisitor that hunts down undead. He would also destroy other enemies of the church and/or faith but he is passionate about his hunt for undead. He would be dashing in a strange way, yet mysterious and somewhat scary. A very kind man, but a hard, rough,exterior. IE he can have a drink with the best of em, but when its business time, or he sense undeath is afoot the fun goes away.

Heres a kicker, I want him to be a Damphir.

Now, what are some good domains/gods that would fit well and work mechanically well with this? what are some good judgements?

EDIT: I should make sure to check the boards better, seems theres a thread similar to this one already. My bad. still, since its already up feel free to respond, or let it get lost in the thousands of dead threads. lol.

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