DM Mathpro |
So when I played in this adventure path before it was converted to pathfinder I know the DM had Karzog as like a level 23-25 Wizard. I don't know if that was how he was written but I like giving my players a challenge that a higher level wizard gave us when I played. So this got me thinking: Has anyone ever thought about giving him Mythic levels and if so what do you think you would make him? And how many tiers would he have?
Personally I think I'd make him a tier 10 archmage but that seems a little straight forward.

Tangent101 |

Karzoug is not Mythic, according to the "mythos" of the Runelords.
That said, I'm running Runelords with Mythic players, and the Runewell is not only allowing Karzoug to re-enter Golarion... but will upon completion provide him with a full 10 Tiers of Mythic power.
I may even have the "disruption holes" where players with Dominant weapons can cause level drain on Karzoug instead to reduce the number of Mythic Tiers he has (and thus his abilities). Though I'm still giving him a Mythic Blue Dragon ally... ;)

Pnakotus Detsujin |

By my opinion, Karzoug could and should anspire to mythic greatness.
It if were for me, the whole runewell thing should be not a ritual to awake him but a structure purposely build to imbue him of mythic power while the other runelords were busy. In my opinion, if such powerful casters where unable to ascend was either for some kind of innate limitation in the sin approach of rune magic (that the other two original runelords where able to overcome)or because Sorshen and Xanderghul where active to avoid other runelords gain such powers. With them busy, any runelords can have a shot for mythic ascention.
I'd love to give him 2 to 6 tiers. This should, however, change the environment accordly. If less than three then he's still a super-archmage; if 3 or more he's the divine lord of greed and the lamias of his city worship him as an embodyment of their phylosophy.
However, instead of giving him mythic tiers, another really cool option could be to give him more bodies to possess during the final battle.
Since his spirit is bounded to the soul lens and he manifest a body when needed, instead of happearing as himself, he could have created a battle body (physical size and physical capacity of ad Advanced rune giant) to great any invasor of his personal domain. Either, he could have many, many "lesser" servants (stone golems) and, like Xin in Stattered Shar, posses them and using his spells throught theme while is "main body" lies hidden under the soul lens.

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I'm considering adding 2 mythic tiers to Karzoug. That said, I have 6 players and most of them are very experienced. However, I'm going to take a wait-and-see approach. My players are about to start Chapter 5, once they get to the Eye, I'll decide if he will be a better challenge with or without mythic tiers.