Secondary success conditions and fame metric

Pathfinder Society

With the addition of the new secondary success conitions is the expected level of fame still 4.5? This relates to possible purchasing power, mostly at higher levels. Where a character that is leveled solely through module play, at level 12, will have a fame rating of 48 (4 per level) meaning max purchases of 41k (+4 weapon bonus/+6 armour bonus), where as a character leveled through scenarios has a max potential at level 12 of 72 fame 205k (+10 weapon/armour with a lot extra in armour for special materials). Are GMs seeing an increase/decrease for secondary successes? Does a level 12 character have the resources to take advantage of a higher than average fame base?
just a few questions, thanks.

4/5 *

Module play is sort of like "hard mode" for PFS. The encounters are tougher and you don't get as much prestige. They were also (up until recently) the only way to play FPS without those silly factions. There are two "module madness" groups here (one still active) that are playing characters solely this way, but I doubt they'll play the retirement arc - between modules and APs you can play to level 18 now.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Ive found it to be mostly the same, really. Most of the secondary missions are not that difficult, so many times its just something the PCs are already doing in the process of playing the scenario.

The biggest difference I have noticed is that most of the missions now are things either the entire group gets or doesnt get, so you wind up with either everyone succeeding or everyone failing, opposed to faction missions where sometimes half the party got their missions done and the rest didnt.

Im not trying to rag on anyone in particular, but in my time playing this game, ive noticed more than a few people (some of them locally) who have no interest in helping complete the mission, and I think that is a load of crap. If I were able, Id likely would have docked them the PP. Just cause someone else in your faction gets it doesnt automatically mean you should get it if you arent even willing to lend a hand if able.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

I have also experienced a few players who always 'miraculously' know what the primary and secondary mission goals are in every mod they play and make sure they complete them if no one else in the party does. These people have a 100% success rate on Prestige since a particular documents came out.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Honestly, as someone with a couple of characters with almost exclusively module credit, you still have a hard time running into the fame cap after a certain point, unless you really, really want to be walking around with a single super item.

So, yes, a level 12 character could have the resources to take advantage of a higher than average fame cap, but it's unlikely to amount to much. 49 fame is enough to spend half a characters expected level 12 wealth on a single item, and 54 fame is the "expected" 4.5 fame per level end result.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Doesn't matter, golds still the limiting factor.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Prestige available to be spent for the removal negative conditions is also important.

Or prestige available to spend on a body recovery. You can't get that with gold.

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