Ameiko Possessed

Jade Regent

We are about to hit up the final showdown in the AP and my party decided to let Ameiko become Possessed by Shojinawa Ito... Does anyone know how possession works, what or better said how does the possession function.. Does she retain her current stats, add stats, combine the two or some other hodgepodge that I am not too sure of.

The Alchemist who has been wooing her from the beginning has decided that with the acquiesensce of the rest of the party that this would be more fun. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

"More fun?" Uh, yeah, no. At least not for Ameiko. Man, bad idea jeans.

Didn't have Ameiko a vote in this?

During the RP, I was able to foster empathy for the character by saying he just wants to see the sun one more time and my players were almost brought to tears by the request, so Ameiko obliged to get him out of the Torii gates, the alchemist who was never very successful with wooing Ameiko, having always lousy Diplomacy checks, seemed to get a very high one with whats his name as Ameiko and decided, "I like Ameiko possessed better"

By the time, they got out, Ameiko was overwhelmed... (lost the saving throws)

My players to be fair were more interested in RP and less fighting everywhere which is probably why they bargained with all of the souls in the well of demons, striking an accord with two of them.

But anyway, how do I combine their two abilities together?


From a mechanics standpoint, I'd replace Ameiko's mental stats entirely with Shojinawa Ito's. Ameiko's levels would be replaced with Shojinawa Ito's as well as his various sorcerer abilities gained from said class along with his spells.

Physical stats would remain Ameiko's(Since it is her body) and I would recalculate her HP based around the new levels/stats. Saves would all adjust appropriately.

I think that would probably be the extent in which I would change in case the possession was allowed. There might be more mechanical rules out there if you dug into the possession ability a bit further. Ad-hoc, I would do what I listed above.

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