"a" versus "your"

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

When does a card with the word "a" apply only to your character and when does it potentially apply to any character? For example, let's compare two ally cards:
(1) The Acolyte's powers include "Recharge this card to add 1d4 to YOUR arcane or divine check."
(2) Poog of Zarongel's powers include "Recharge this card to add 3 with the Fire trait to A combat check." (capitalization added for emphasis)
Can Poog's ability add 3 to any character's combat check or only the one who has Poog in her hand?

In a related note, I noticed two items which also use the "a" terminology. Can Thieves' Tools ("Discard this card to defeat A barrier...") and Chime of Unlocking ("Reveal this card to defeat A barrier…") be used during another character's turn and thereby possibly at another location?

Thanks for a great game; I am really enjoying it!

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I'll get to the second part first, because it is very important.

No one else may play a card that resolves someone else's encounter. You can never, for instance, play a card for someone else that "defeats" or "evades" (unless it says "choose a character to evade") a bane, "acquires" a boon, or "succeeds" at a check.

If a card only says " a check", it means any check, made by anyone, at any location. If there are restrictions, the card will tell you what they are.

If a card says "your check" it means exactly that; it can only help with your check

csouth154 wrote:
No one else may play a card that resolves someone else's encounter. You can never, for instance, play a card for someone else that "defeats" or "evades" (unless it says "choose a character to evade") a bane, "acquires" a boon, or "succeeds" at a check.

I'd like to add that since cards can override the rules, if a card says something like "Choose a character as your location to evade a bane" then the card is bypassing the rulebook and allowing you to evade the encounter for another player.

Jjiinx wrote:
csouth154 wrote:
No one else may play a card that resolves someone else's encounter. You can never, for instance, play a card for someone else that "defeats" or "evades" (unless it says "choose a character to evade") a bane, "acquires" a boon, or "succeeds" at a check.
I'd like to add that since cards can override the rules, if a card says something like "Choose a character as your location to evade a bane" then the card is bypassing the rulebook and allowing you to evade the encounter for another player.

Yeah. I said that. *points up ^^^*. ;)

csouth154 wrote:
Jjiinx wrote:
csouth154 wrote:
No one else may play a card that resolves someone else's encounter. You can never, for instance, play a card for someone else that "defeats" or "evades" (unless it says "choose a character to evade") a bane, "acquires" a boon, or "succeeds" at a check.
I'd like to add that since cards can override the rules, if a card says something like "Choose a character as your location to evade a bane" then the card is bypassing the rulebook and allowing you to evade the encounter for another player.
csouth154 wrote:
You can never, for instance, play a card for someone else that..."evades" (unless it says "choose a character to evade") a bane


I am not a smart man.

Jjiinx wrote:
I am not a smart man.

Aww...don't be hard on yourself, sunshine. You're a super-genius! ;D

Thank you both for your help!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Jjiinx wrote:
...if a card says something like "Choose a character as your location to evade a bane" then the card is bypassing the rulebook and allowing you to evade the encounter for another player.

Nope—you're the one doing the choosing; they're still the one doing the actual evading.

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