Adventuring Blacksmith

Misdomingo's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters.


The subject line says it all: Could you please combine Orders 3642680 and 3569100? One is a subscription order (Adventure Card Game deck 3) and the other is a miscellaneous merchandise order. No problem, if this won't work, but I thought I would ask. Thanks!

Could you please process and ship the two orders currently in my sidecart? They are orders 3485072 and 3533142. Thanks so much!

Myfly wrote:

Do the images of the game boxes reveal more?

Well, I think I see Harsk, Seoni, and Seelah... but those images are "not final and subject to change" per Liz Courts.

Here are my votes, after playing through all 6 scenarios of "Season 0" OP at GenCon (as Vika) and looking at the character sheets of the ones I didn't play or adventure alongside:

Bard: Lem [CD] -- uses d12 for both divine and arcane spells, Lem is a great companion to almost any other character
Cleric: Kyra [CD] -- I really like the combination of d10 for her melee combat and divine spells, her "Fireflower" role looks fun
Fighter: Vika [CD] -- recharges weapons, and has d10+1 craft skills to serve as the team's go-to shipwright, I am looking forward to the RPG aspects of her "Blacksmith" role
Ranger: Agna [CD] -- recharges animal allies, interesting offhand weapon mechanic
Rogue: Merisiel [S&S] -- extra weapon to start, but I am torn between the massive damage possible with her "Shadow" role and the extra plunder and card swapping allowed by her "Smuggler" role.
Sorcerer: Seoni [RotR] -- recharges spells, quite the beast as she levels up
Wizard: Ezren [CD] -- "Transmogrifier" role looks like a lot of fun and very helpful to the team especially given that drawing a random "non-basic", "non-elite" substitute boon from the box means that at the end of the scenario, you are picking the good stuff out of your personal class deck in its place -- instant boon upgrades!

Of course, I also love Ranzak who is a lot of fun to play. Perhaps he could be played with a rogue class deck (he is however listed as a raider)?

Thank you both for your help!

When does a card with the word "a" apply only to your character and when does it potentially apply to any character? For example, let's compare two ally cards:
(1) The Acolyte's powers include "Recharge this card to add 1d4 to YOUR arcane or divine check."
(2) Poog of Zarongel's powers include "Recharge this card to add 3 with the Fire trait to A combat check." (capitalization added for emphasis)
Can Poog's ability add 3 to any character's combat check or only the one who has Poog in her hand?

In a related note, I noticed two items which also use the "a" terminology. Can Thieves' Tools ("Discard this card to defeat A barrier...") and Chime of Unlocking ("Reveal this card to defeat A barrier…") be used during another character's turn and thereby possibly at another location?

Thanks for a great game; I am really enjoying it!