Advice Needed - Dragon's Demand + Kingmaker (Spoilers)


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hi all,

I'm wondering if any one on the boards has had a similar idea.

I've been prepping to run Kingmaker for a couple of months now. I've read Stolen Lands and Rivers Run Red cover to cover. Overall I'm excited by most of what I've seen, but I feel like the first third of the story arc deserves a better BBEG than a tribe of trolls.

So what do people think about the feasibility of adding in the important plot elements of the Dragon's Demand into the books 1 & 2 of Kingmaker?

Here's what I've come up with so far:

Hunclay is Bokken's other brother who relocated to a tower in this area that he might further his research in quiet and solitude.

Aeteperax lairs somewhere in the Greenbelt he is being courted by Nyrissa to be her lieutenant in the region. The dragon isn't yet convinced and is currently manipulating a tribe of kobolds (the Sootscales) through a surrogate (Tartuk).

I think I might replace the Dark Tapestry theme found in Dragon's Demand with the First World and the Fey in the hopes of foreshadowing events later on in Sound of a Thousand Screams.

So what do you think? Is this feasible? Thoughts and advice would be much appreciated.

Sounds awesome! This is the sort of thing that makes kingmaker sing - have at it and tell us how it shakes out!

Lantern Lodge

Ooh! Interesting ideal! Don't mind me trying it out too.

I have to find something to justify having my players on the slow XP track.

Having just completed Dragon's Demand as a player, my only caveat is to be aware that it seems the treasure is *way* out of whack. It seems like it is designed to pump up the PCs for the final fight, but I'm not sure how it will affect the rest of the campaign.

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