Darigaaz the Igniter |

Sub_Zero wrote:Doomed Hero wrote:"Names are important...I'd like to take a moment to reflect on how kickass of a storyline this would be. The next time I GM this is the game I'm running.Steal away. Just tell me how the game goes. :)
That little story is my thesis on why Bards make the most terrifying liches ever.
Or most annoying, if their instrument/phylactery is an adamantine vuvuzela.

MagusJanus |

MagusJanus wrote:Be a paladin one: sure you'll lose casting after if turning evil, but who expects the Lich to be the warrior.Ausk Valrosh wrote:Does a lich have to be arcane?Nope! They just need to be able to make the phylactery. They don't even have to be a spellcaster, actually.
Or go anti-paladin and keep the casting ;)

Doomed Hero |

Fallen Paladin Liches are a pretty cool idea. There's a lot of awesome source material to draw from.
The Witch King of Angmar and Arthas and Lord Soth are essentially this concept.
The Antipaladin class synergies really well with the Lich template. Give them a Conductive Greyflame weapon to let them transmit their Paralysis and Channel Energy into their strikes, and you have a seriously nasty villain.

Marthkus |

So in my campaign I'm planning on including a lich that assists the main necromancer bad guy, and I'm having trouble coming up with names. If you guys/girls could help me that'd be much appreciated.
Feel free to request addional information if needed.
Lord Zorath of the Abyss
Good intentions turned bad. Zorath was once a wizard who devoted his life to slaying demons and acquiring the power to do so. Eventually Zorath turned to Lichdom, after clearing one layer of the abyss he decided to make that layer his home to gain the power of a Demon Lord.
Unfortunately for Zorath his obsession consumed him for "Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster; and if you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes into you."

Ausk Valrosh |

I've decided I'm going to name the lich in my campaign: the whispering one. He's going to obviously greatly intertwined with the whispering way cult, and the name will more than likely fool the PCs into thinking that he's the whispering tyrant. Which will be fun to see how they take it. Keep the names coming though, you guys are dishing out some pretty cool stuff.