Sorcerer Favored Class Options: Early-Access Powers?

Rules Questions

If I were to play an Ifrit sorcerer of the Elemental (Fire) bloodline, would the favored class bonus allow me early access to, say, Elemental Blast? I can see how it adds to class level (for damage at least), but does that allow me to get it at character level 6 instead of 9?

Along the same lines, does it allow me the 2nd and 3rd uses per day at lower levels (13 and 16, respectively)?

You don't get early access. Just your level is considered higher for determining the power's effects.

It does allow you the extra uses early though.

Since it says it increases your class level for the effects, I would say no and yes, respectively. If I'm interpreting the rules correctly, I don't think it would provide early access to the chosen bloodline power, but that it most likely would give you more uses per day as if you were a higher level (in addition to maybe doing more damage, increasing the DC, etc.)

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