Ratfolk in Golarion

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Other than beneath Tian Xa, where are ratfolk to be commonly found on Golarion? Is there anything that could be reasonably called a homeland, or at least a likely spot for numerous warrens. I'm imagining somewhere south of the Inner Sea, but I'd be interested to hear any ideas.

Well not Inner Sea, but there are "ratfolk" on Akiton, the Mars analogue. Not sure if they are actually meant to the be the same as the ratfolk on Golarion.

In don't recall hearing much/any? references in ratfolk in the Inner Sea region.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

There is a community established within a magic pocket plane. You can find more out about it in Pathfinder Society scenarios, I just can't find the right ones right now to help more.

You can easily assume that they are found in any large city in underground communities or in the slums within tightly packed tenements. They also enjoy travelings along trade routes as merchants, as trading is a favored profession. They have shorter lives and the ability to have many children, so their populations are constantly growing and they are always in need of finding new places to establish new communities.

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They live in the Mana Wastes and Alkenstar.

I could of sworn there was somewhere else they could be found in the Innersea region other then the Mana Waste/Alkenstar.

Some have found their way through thr darklands and have settled in the siege castles outside Absalom.

Source (PFS spoiler):

Ruins of Bonekeep

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Thanks for the input guys, Alkenstar should do for my purposes.

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