MendedWall12 |

I might be completely losing my mind (no, wait, that's probably a certainty, but I digress), but I could have sworn there was a statement in the Core Rulebook somewhere that said a GM has the capability of providing ad hoc circumstance bonuses to various rolls based off of game play. Did I just make that up? I have scoured the rulebook for about the past hour, and I can't find anything like that anywhere. The only thing I could find that was even somewhat like it was under the Cheating and Fudging or GM Fiat sections of the Gamemastering chapters. Is this just a phantom rule I've carried with me from a previous version, or something I dreamt up and put into practice without good cause?

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I am using my phone, but I believe that it is directly addressed in the gamemastering guide. The old "rule" is to throw out a +2 bonus when something is favorable or a -2 when it is not.
There was a lot of number crunching done back years ago to show the relative benefit of the simple fast rule and it seems to work well.
It is a nice trick to quickly level up a creature (+2 to everything) or make it a young creature (-2 to everything)

MendedWall12 |

That's the rule I mentioned that's listed under GM Fiat.
One handy rule to keep under your belt is the Fiat Rule—simply grant a player a +2 or a –2 bonus or penalty to a die roll if no one at the table is precisely sure how a situation might be handled by the rules. For example, a character who attempts to trip an iron golem in a room where the f loor is magnetized could gain a +2 bonus on his attempt at your discretion, since the magnetic pull exerted by the f loor helps pull the golem down.
That might be the rule I was thinking of, but the fact that it specifically says this should be done in the case where the rules don't specifically apply bothers me. I thought for sure there was a statement somewhere in the book that said the GM had the power to add circumstance bonuses based off of game play.

MendedWall12 |

Yeah, no, I get that. Rule 0, GM's word is law. I know as a GM I can do whatever I want, including cheat/fudge (which is actually in the rules), but I'm saying I had a distinct recollection that there was such a statement somewhere in the rulebook. Something to the effect that: "The GM might add additional circumstance bonuses or penalties afforded by in-game action." It's possible, as I previously stated, that I'm just losing my mind and no such statement exists anywhere.

MendedWall12 |

@Ashiel - Thank you!
That is exactly what I was remembering.
When in doubt, remember this handy little rule: Favorable conditions add +2 to any d20 roll, and unfavorable conditions penalize the roll by –2. You’ll be surprised how often this “DM’s best friend” will solve problems.What I didn't remember was that this rule is also prefaced with this:
Often a situation will arise that isn’t explicitly covered by the rules. In such a situation, you need to provide guidance as to how it should be resolved. When you come upon a situation that the rules don’t seem to cover, consider the following courses of action.
Which means that the quote I have above, from the Core Rulebook on page 403, is the Pathfinder equivalent of that rule. I was obviously remembering that rule, but putting it into a different context. Thanks to all that replied.