Delivering Suggestion / Charm Person via Telepathy

Rules Questions

A creature has the ability to use telepathy, and cast Suggestion and Charm person as spell like abilities as well. It will be using Detect Thoughts to locate targets.

Does it seem reasonable to have these effects, the Charm and Suggestions be delivered Telepathically?

Would Detect Thought enable a telepathic creature to target someone with these effects?

If it's not to game breaking I'm running it that way regardless of rules but wanted a second or third opinion.


This would be a good thread for the suggestions/house rules forum.

Detect thoughts is one-way, and it only allows reading surface thoughts. Given that, no, I don't think that would make much sense. You'd have a better case for using telepathy itself, sending, or some other caster-communicates-with-others spell or ability. Either way, we're strictly in homebrew territory and would be extremely powerful.

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