Arcanist class

Rules Questions

Does the new Arcanist class, in the Adv Class Guide, need to prepare spells daily or CAN they "carryover" to the next day? This would be a nice feature in case the spell bool is lost. Also it keeps the ability to change "spells known" as needed or not.

Also, can a higher spell slot be used for a lower level spell? (ie a sorcerer has cast all his allotted 1st level spells and one of those would be best for the situation a 2nd level spell slot is still open, could that 2nd level slot be used for casting the 1st level spell?

Not sure where these ??? go. Thanks.

Well, an Arcanist essentially prepares his spells known each day from his spellbook.

I'm not sure if there are rules regarding it, but I would probably allow an arcanist to continue on with the spells he had prepared as his effective spells known list like a sorcerer doing away with his need for the spellbook provided he isn't interested in changing spells. He would need to reclaim his spellbook or create a new one before he could change spells. But I have no evidence for this, just what I think is a common sense way to approach the class.

Can a sorcerer cast his lower level spell in a high level slot? I believe he can. In which case, I believe the arcanist could cast a first level spell in a 2nd level spot. Honestly, for my arcanist I also picked up heighten and metamixing so that it wouldn't be a waste to do that sort of thing either.

where do you guys see the new classes? I am searching for a link or something.

I only read about them in the forums, but I cant find any page that introduces the class.

It is a playtest class..You would have to download the pdf..

Search for advanced class guide

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The rules for preparation of spells are not class-based; they're generalized. So although the Arcanist is a hybrid, and uses spontaneous slots to cast prepared spells, he would still have to memorize the spells he knows once a day.

Additionally, the rules that allow a class to prepare\cast lower spells in a higher slot are not class-based; they're general rules from the magic section. So yes, like any other caster an Arcanist could use a 3rd-level slot to cast a 2nd-level spell.

Lantern Lodge

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Xaratherus wrote:

The rules for preparation of spells are not class-based; they're generalized. So although the Arcanist is a hybrid, and uses spontaneous slots to cast prepared spells, he would still have to memorize the spells he knows once a day.

Additionally, the rules that allow a class to prepare\cast lower spells in a higher slot are not class-based; they're general rules from the magic section. So yes, like any other caster an Arcanist could use a 3rd-level slot to cast a 2nd-level spell.

Actually, the rules are not generalized for Arcane Magic. If you check the "Arcane Spells" section of the "Magic" chapter of the Core Book and the PRD, there is a separate sub-section for "Preparing Wizard Spells", and another separate section for "Bards and Sorcerors". The "Divine Spells" section doesn't do this, but that's probably because there are no spontaneous divine casters (i.e. Oracles and Inquisitors) in the Core Book.

The Arcanist (revised) section on "Spells" says, in part: "An arcanist must prepare her spells ahead of time, but unlike a wizard, her spells are not expended when they're cast." Does this mean the Arcanist prepares spells in their spells known slots, then they're locked in until such time as they can re-prepare spells, or do Arcanist need to prepare all new spells everyday. I'm going with the former.

The real difficulty with all prepared spellcasters is that they all contain language implying that they need to re-memorize all of their spells each day. For example, the Witch: "A witch can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day." Wizards are the only arcane prepared spellcasters in the Core book, and they clearly do not need to re-memorize all their spells each day: "Until he prepares spells from his spellbook, the only spells a wizard has available to cast are the ones that he already had prepared from the previous day and has not yet used." Divine prepared spellcasters do not have similar language, but virtually everyone I've ever played with treats divine prepared casters the same (i.e. they retain use of unsed spells from day to day).

The newer classes are not mentioned in the core rules, and I suspect this is the same problem. For example, one FAQ question asked about preparing spells in open slots says: "That text was written when wizard was the only class that prepares arcane spells. This option is also available to magus and witch characters (both of which are classes that prepare arcane spells)."

Arcanist is even more of a conundrum as it doesn't use quite the same system as a wizard, nor does it use quite the same system as a sorceror. It's a mix of the two. When the ACG comes out, I hope they address this. Right now, I'm going with they select and prepare the spells for their spells known slots like a wizard, but like a sorceror those slots are then locked in until changed. As for spell casting slots, they recover in the same fashion as sorcerors.

Captain Zoom wrote:
Xaratherus wrote:

The rules for preparation of spells are not class-based; they're generalized. So although the Arcanist is a hybrid, and uses spontaneous slots to cast prepared spells, he would still have to memorize the spells he knows once a day.

Additionally, the rules that allow a class to prepare\cast lower spells in a higher slot are not class-based; they're general rules from the magic section. So yes, like any other caster an Arcanist could use a 3rd-level slot to cast a 2nd-level spell.

Actually, the rules are not generalized for Arcane Magic. If you check the "Arcane Spells" section of the "Magic" chapter of the Core Book and the PRD, there is a separate sub-section for "Preparing Wizard Spells", and another separate section for "Bards and Sorcerors". The "Divine Spells" section doesn't do this, but that's probably because there are no spontaneous divine casters (i.e. Oracles and Inquisitors) in the Core Book.

The Arcanist (revised) section on "Spells" says, in part: "An arcanist must prepare her spells ahead of time, but unlike a wizard, her spells are not expended when they're cast." Does this mean the Arcanist prepares spells in their spells known slots, then they're locked in until such time as they can re-prepare spells, or do Arcanist need to prepare all new spells everyday. I'm going with the former.

The real difficulty with all prepared spellcasters is that they all contain language implying that they need to re-memorize all of their spells each day. For example, the Witch: "A witch can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day." Wizards are the only arcane prepared spellcasters in the Core book, and they clearly do not need to re-memorize all their spells each day: "Until he prepares spells from his spellbook, the only spells a wizard has available to cast are the ones that he already had prepared from the previous day and has not yet used." Divine prepared spellcasters do not have similar language, but virtually everyone I've ever...

Pretty much all this was what I was trying to get at

Thanks for the input. These were basically my thoughts, and hopes, all along.
I am new to Pathfinder. Haven't really gamed since ADD 1e.

Also, do any of you know if the Arcanist is allowable for Society play?


It is. You MUST bring a print out of the Arcanist from the revised beta test. This will work until the ACG is released, then you need the ACG. Any changes to the class will go into effect at that point as well.

Trazom wrote:

Does the new Arcanist class, in the Adv Class Guide, need to prepare spells daily or CAN they "carryover" to the next day? This would be a nice feature in case the spell bool is lost. Also it keeps the ability to change "spells known" as needed or not.

Readdressing this question now that the ACG has been released.

The wording is...

"An arcanist must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour studying her spellbook. While studying, the arcanist decides what spells to prepare and refreshes her available spell slots for the day."

... with the RAW finalized is the concensus still that spells prepared from the previous day carryover or are the spells prepared something that needs to be redone every day even if selecting the same spells?

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