Toreador |
If you've already successfully used Stealth at least 10 feet from your target, you can make one ranged attack and then immediately use Stealth again. You take a –20 penalty on your Stealth check to maintain your obscured location.
Then you got the advanced rogue talent and the Kobold feat that together take away the -20 to sniping. The feat you can take at 1st level, the talent you would need to wait till level 10 to pick up.
Effectively your in a hidden position that others cannot find as you make ranged sneak attacks. Until that is they make a perception check that beats your stealth check after you snipe someone.
Cevah |
Instead of Rogue, try Ninja.
Ninja trick: Vanish is a swift to make you invisible for a short time. Invisible means one sneak attack. At 10th, take Invisible Blade to upgrade to greater invisibility. Greater invisibility means full round sneak attacks.
Marthkus |
Well money can be the answer.
Goz mask + sniper goggles + smoke sticks.
Another way would be a shatter defenses intimidate build.
I'm still trying to find a good rules ruling on this, but feint doesn't appear to have a range limit. So greater feint could be used to set up one sneak attack maybe.
Getting someone to maintain silent image on you could also work.
EDIT: If kolbold is not required. An ifrit with firesight and smoke sticks can also snipe well.