Evening Out Saving Throw Discrepancies

Homebrew and House Rules

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My solution is to just not run games past 10th level. If half of what I read on these message boards is to be believed, NOTHING works after that point.

I started doing that for brevity reasons.

Ellis Mirari wrote:
My solution is to just not run games past 10th level. If half of what I read on these message boards is to be believed, NOTHING works after that point.

You get a lot of exaggerated information on the boards. It doesn't work for some people, it works just fine for others. Depends on you and your group.

Verdant Wheel

this thread's title was an objective i besought my house rules to tackle in my new campaign.

Im doing the +1/2 character level to all saves, +2 class bonus for 'good' saves. My players like it because it means their 'good' saves remain unchanged whereas their 'bad' saves get a little free boost.

on top of that, i'm running my 'save feats' as such:

Great Fortitude
When you select this feat, choose one benefit: you gain a +2 feat bonus to all fortitude saves, you may key your Strength score to your fortitude save (instead of Constitution), or 1/day you may re-roll one confirmed-failed fortitude save.

Iron Will
When you select this feat, choose one benefit: you gain a +2 feat bonus to all will saves, you may key your Charisma score to your will save (instead of Wisdom), or 1/day you may re-roll one confirmed-failed will save.

Lightning Reflexes
When you select this feat, choose one benefit: you gain a +2 feat bonus to all reflex saves, you may key your Intelligence score to your reflex save (instead of Dexterity), or 1/day you may re-roll one confirmed-failed reflex save.

grants all three benefits.

notice the subtle language about 'confirmed-fail' which makes a big difference...

Here's what I've done for my game.
Veteran (+1) is a NEW TRAIT that is acquired upon reaching 6th lvl. This value is added to all a characters saving throws and damage thresholds. This value increases by +1 at 9th,12th,15, and 18th .

I don't have cloaks of resistance in the game though.

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