Bill Dunn |

My solution is to just not run games past 10th level. If half of what I read on these message boards is to be believed, NOTHING works after that point.
You get a lot of exaggerated information on the boards. It doesn't work for some people, it works just fine for others. Depends on you and your group.

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this thread's title was an objective i besought my house rules to tackle in my new campaign.
Im doing the +1/2 character level to all saves, +2 class bonus for 'good' saves. My players like it because it means their 'good' saves remain unchanged whereas their 'bad' saves get a little free boost.
on top of that, i'm running my 'save feats' as such:
Great Fortitude
When you select this feat, choose one benefit: you gain a +2 feat bonus to all fortitude saves, you may key your Strength score to your fortitude save (instead of Constitution), or 1/day you may re-roll one confirmed-failed fortitude save.
Iron Will
When you select this feat, choose one benefit: you gain a +2 feat bonus to all will saves, you may key your Charisma score to your will save (instead of Wisdom), or 1/day you may re-roll one confirmed-failed will save.
Lightning Reflexes
When you select this feat, choose one benefit: you gain a +2 feat bonus to all reflex saves, you may key your Intelligence score to your reflex save (instead of Dexterity), or 1/day you may re-roll one confirmed-failed reflex save.
grants all three benefits.
notice the subtle language about 'confirmed-fail' which makes a big difference...