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I have 2 characters at woods location. The first character does not have Fire trait, so Muck Graul is undefeated. Will the woods location text banish the graul before the other character has to encounter it?
Seems like locations overrule other cards correct? So, Muck Gruel's ability does not come work in the wood. Right?

Hawkmoon269 |

I haven't seen Hook Mountain Massacre yet, but the woods says, "Undefeated monsters, other than henchmen and villains are banished." And I'm assuming Muck Graul's card says, "If the check to defeat Muck Graul does not contain the fire trait, Muck Graul is undefeated."
If a card and this rulebook are ever in conflict, the card should be considered correct. If cards conflict with one another, then Adventure Path cards overrule adventures, adventures overrule scenarios, scenarios overrule locations, locations overrule characters, and characters overrule
other card types. Despite this hierarchy, if one card tells that you cannot do something and another card tells you that you can, comply with
the card that tells you that you cannot.
So, assuming Muck Graul is not a villain or henchmen, he is banished even if he is undefeated after the check due to your character's check lacking the fire trait. Why? Well, Muck's card rules him undefeated. The rule book says to shuffle undefeated cards back into the location. But the location overrides the rule book and says to banish him instead.
For a similar situation see this thread: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q4im?Magic-required-and-Woods#1

Hawkmoon269 |

Hmmmm, reading your post again I notice you might be asking about an effect triggered by muck, and whether or not that effect happens. Maybe I should have just kept silent.
Since I didn't though, I would guess that maybe the effect says it happens if he is undefeated. If that is the case, I think it would still happen. He is still undefeated, just banished as well a being undefeated.
Now I well refrain from commenting further on this thing I have not seen.

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I strongly suspect that the designers' intent is that the Woods' power is probably intended to kick in only when you go to dispose of the monster.
I'd also say that the rules support that, in that you have to finish one thing before you start another; in this case, you have to finish dealing with Muck's "if undefeated" stuff before you start the Woods' "if undefeated" stuff.

Reptilian |

I have another question concerning what happen when Muck isn't encountered in the Woods. The last paragraph of Muck's card says something like (from memory) "If undefeated, another random character at this location encounters this card ; put it at the bottom of the location deck." If no one has a way to add the fire trait to the check, what happens ? I'm guessing you don't have an infinite loop of encounters but is it A) the card is put at the bottom of the location deck after 2 characters encounter the monster ; or B) the card is put at the bottom of the location deck after all characters at the location encounter the monster.

Chad Brown Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Developer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I have another question concerning what happen when Muck isn't encountered in the Woods. The last paragraph of Muck's card says something like (from memory) "If undefeated, another random character at this location encounters this card ; put it at the bottom of the location deck." If no one has a way to add the fire trait to the check, what happens ? I'm guessing you don't have an infinite loop of encounters but is it A) the card is put at the bottom of the location deck after 2 characters encounter the monster ; or B) the card is put at the bottom of the location deck after all characters at the location encounter the monster.
The idea is that Muck tries to beat up one other character at the location, and then retreats to safety (i.e. the bottom of the location deck) regardless of the outcome of that second attack.

J Scot Shady |

Y wife encountered this situation the other night. After looking things up and talking it out, I think the way it should go is as follows:
1. Active player encounters Muck in the Woods location. Active player fails the check and takes damage as appropriate.
2. This finishes that one "Thing" as per the reference "Finish one thing before starting another."
3. Muck is banished to the box due to the Undefeated condition on the Woods card. According to the Golden rule, Locations trump characters in the order heirarchy.
4. The Undefeated condition on Muck does not occur because the Woods location overruled it.
I'm fairly confident that this is how this is supposed to work.

KL Sanchez |
Bump because this situation just happened to me.
Not the Woods one, but in the Death Zone I came across a Muck Graul with Amiri, Seoni, and Kyra in the party. Kyra beat it first, but didn't have Fire, so it went to Amiri; Amiri then beat it, but without Fire, so it went to Seoni; at this point I decided to check whether I actually need to do the third encounter because I realized this could end up in an infinite loop if no characters had the Fire trait.
I also wondered whether - if it did keep chaining - the card is somehow summoning multiple versions of itself to the bottom of the deck, or just sending itself to the bottom of the deck despite already being there.
Maybe it needs a new paragraph, something like, "...place Muck Graul on the bottom of the deck; regardless of the outcome of the second encounter, Muck Graul remains undefeated and the encounter ends."

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You should not have been chaining it like that. The first encounter already said to put it under the deck after the random character fights it. Once they fight it, there's no more card to pass around and to keep sticking under the deck. You have one extra fight, and you're done.
See the FAQ
I don't understand what happens when you fail to defeat Muck Graul. Does he keep passing around until somebody beats him?
No—he triggers one extra encounter, and then he goes to the bottom of his deck.
Resolution: On the monster Muck Graul, change his last power to the following:
"If undefeated, choose a random character at this location to encounter Muck; after that encounter, put Muck on the bottom of the location deck."