ranged attack cover bonus

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

if a friend or foe is between the shooter and the target, the target gets a +4 ac bonus.

is there any rule that says the target does not get the cover bonus if the friend or foe is closer to the shooter than the target????

i say no but cannot find it anywhere.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Short answer: not in most circumstances.

The exception would be if the attacker were large, his ally was medium or small, and said ally was closer to the attacker than the target: in which case you would use the low obstacle rule which allows the attacker to ignore the cover.


Can you trace an unbroken line from a corner of your square to all four corners of your opponent's square? If the answer is no, then your opponent has cover from you.

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