Looking for players in Houston TX, starting Throne of Night!

Gamer Connection


I'm in the Houston area, in the NW quadrant up at 290 & 6....and I'm looking to start a Pathfinder game. I've got one gamer so far, so we're ideally looking for I'd say 3-5 more players.

I'm looking to begin the Throne of Night adventure....it looks like a blast!!!

If you're at all interested, contact me fkinkade at gmail dot com...I've been gaming for over thirty years, and love it!

We typically like to play on the weekends...Saturday's or Sundays. Although I'm willing to do an every other week campaign, I find that if you or the group as a whole miss one session, you miss out on ALOT of time between sessions.

Also, I should note, I'm looking for three things in gamers...

1- Mature...doesn't *have* to be adult, I've met some 18 year olds far more mature than a thirty year old. Mainly, if you commit to a game, be there....and if you commit to a weekly game, commit to a weekly game.

2- No rules lawyers. I'll be the first to admit, I do not memorize each and every rule in the book. In some instances, I actually prefer 1st edition rules (such as an invisibility spell effect lasting until you commit a violent action), or even v3/3.5 with regards to armor penalties when swimming etc. In general, I look to make the GAME and the STORY fun, and memorable. If this is what you are looking for, EXCELLENT...email me...if you're more interested in something akin to a game of chess where it is YOU the gamer vs ME the DM...please don't email...

In a nutshell, if you feel a ruling was unfair, I am more than willing to discuss it, and be flexible. However, if it is a five minute or longer discussion, particularly during the middle of a combat, I'd prefer it wait until afterwards.

I also have a number of things I blatantly do differently. For instance, mortals by and large DO NOT have an alignment....only immortals and creatures that are truly through and through evil or good. So, be prepared. I do my best to prepare everyone for all of this before character creation, so you don't get an idea to run with, and then find your world fall out from under you as a result.

3- Be a fun person!

4- Don't be a POWER Munchkin! What do I mean? I mean, MAKE A CHARACTER...not a one trick pony. If you make a character who does one specific combat maneuver really and truly well, but everything else is at a deficit, and your characters personality is as flimsy as a cardboard stand up, you're a POWER Munchkin in my book. Why shouldn't you be one of these? Well, because things in my game happen that you cannot begin to foresee. Did you make your character thinking you'd do X at 3rd level, and Y at 9th level? Well, what if you are approached with an opportunity to be given the opportunity to become one of the Dark Demonknights of a long forgotten evil deity? Kinda throws a lump into those plans, doesn't it? Basically, my game is NOT WoW. It is not something where builds really pay off. It's about creating a CHARACTER, having fun, and ROLE PLAYING. I'd say the average game session I run is probably 45% combat, 55% roleplaying.

FlynnK wrote:

It is not something where builds really pay off. It's about creating a CHARACTER, having fun, and ROLE PLAYING. I'd say the average game session I run is probably 45% combat, 55% roleplaying.

Just felt the need to point out that these things are not mutually contradictory -- generally, the players who used to come to my games in Houston with the best-optimized characters (or at least who understood what they were doing if they intentionally built a weak experimental character) ALSO got into the roleplaying aspects the most.

That said, I'll bow out of the thread.


Kirth Gersen wrote:
FlynnK wrote:

It is not something where builds really pay off. It's about creating a CHARACTER, having fun, and ROLE PLAYING. I'd say the average game session I run is probably 45% combat, 55% roleplaying.

Just felt the need to point out that these things are not mutually contradictory -- generally, the players who used to come to my games in Houston with the best-optimized characters (or at least who understood what they were doing if they intentionally built a weak experimental character) ALSO got into the roleplaying aspects the most.

That said, I'll bow out of the thread.

Hey Kirth...thanks for bowing out. I couldn't disagree with you more. Have fun with the POWER Munchkins, and I'll enjoy the players I work well with.


Wait -- you disagree with a factual observation? Uh, okay, definitely best I be gone.


Kullen wrote:
Wait -- you disagree with a factual observation? Uh, okay, definitely best I be gone.


Factual <> (or != for you DB2 trained folks out there) Opinion

The original statement was also made based on a rather narrow statement out of many that I had made.

Listen, you play the way you want. I'll play the way I want. I am looking for a certain type of gamer. I am not looking to put anyone down. I'm just stating what *I* am looking for. I fully understand that this may take time to find a good group of folks who match the things I am looking for in a game. I'm an adult, I know this, and I'm ok with it. I'm not going to be group think'd into being PC and accepting anyone else's idea of what is "correct" based off of the chaos of public opinion. This is MY opinion, my game, so, if you don't care for it, tough. Don't email, don't even bother responding. You're simply wasting your own time and energy. Just like I don't bother showing up to your games and your email threads. <shrug>.

If I was *desperate* to game, I could find a game to play with folks fairly quickly who are likely to have an entirely different style than I do, get highly annoyed, and wonder what in the hell I've been doing wasting my time. If that sounds good to you, enjoy yourself while doing it. I don't, and won't.

If you don't like that, so sorry....hope you find the door easily...and best of luck in finding a game that suits you.

There is NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL game or gaming style out there.

Also, you appear to be looking to paint me in a certain light. Perhaps that of one who thinks you are wrong because I disagree. I am not saying that, nor am I that person at all.

And actually, much of the "disagreement" with my post was over my disagreement with what I refer to as "POWER Munchkin" gaming. I mentioned one trick ponies who are good at nothing else, and are as flimsy as cardboard cutouts when put up in the light, ie, one dimensional, no real personality, nothing substantial that makes the player or the party, or myself for that matter, feel like they are dealing with an *individual*, but instead, are left feeling like they are dealing with a "tactic delivery device". If that's the kind of character you enjoy playing, COOL. More power to you. Just not in my game. I never once made mention of min-maxing, or any sort of character ability manipulation. That was inferred (and if I may add, inferred without much in the way of evidence or reasoning, as merriam-webster defines the word), rather than simply asking for a clarification before making such a statement. A statement, which was patently incorrect. Many of my players will actually tell you, I could give a flying f*#% how you come up with your stats. I've even blatantly said "hell, just write them down, but try to make them at least somewhat balanced", rather than rolling or a point buy approach.

There are *plenty* of threads here for you to go and debate to your hearts content with snide little comments about what is right and what is wrong in a game. I don't participate in those.

Rather, I am running a game. At my house. At my expense of time (both mine and my families), and financial input (gaming materials, spacious place to play, electricity, etc). So, therefore, whereas it is not a free-for-all scenario such as a con event or a FLGS scenario, I am very blatantly upfront stating what I want and desire.

So, I'll say it again in large flying flag colors....Sorry if you don't like my opinion...you're welcome to yours...don't feel free to come here and bash me for mine, as I won't bash you for yours...and if you don't LIKE my method of gaming, or looking for players, please, feel free to find the door. I'll even point it out to you.

It's right over there.

If you're not interested, is there really any reason for your input here? Could anything positive come from it? I don't think so.

Now if you are interested, if you are looking for a good story, a fun environment, a GM who is open to innovation and having a great time with you and the other players....my email address is fkinkade at gmail dot com.


<insert shameless self-bump here>


<popping popcorn>


<roasting a leg of lamb on the fire>


It's a new day...time for another leg o'lamb.....


So, seriously....I'm looking for players...please drop me a line at fkinkade at gmail dot com...


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