What Spells Would You Like To See In PFO...

Pathfinder Online

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To start us off, here's my tiny list...

Lifetaps- Love 'em. LT DoTs, Regular DD LT's, AoE LT's, you name it. Pathfinder/D&D really don't have anywhere NEAR enough of these (basically just Vampiric Touch, are you kidding me?).

Mez/AoE Mez - A mez was a form of CC that basically put someone to sleep until they were attacked in some way.

Insta-cast PBAoE Mez - Self-explanatory, great if you get surrounded.

Mob Domination - Basically allows you to turn an NPC, like a goblin for example, into a pet. If you can snag a healing or caster gobby, even better.

PBAoE DD - Pretty self-explanatory, high risk, high reward (and reward is paid out in damage).

Stuns - Again self-explanatory

Wall of Force - Everyone should know what this is.

Roots - Target's movement speed is dropped to 0, but can still attack.

Snares - Target's movement speed is reduced... should also be AoE/GTAoE/PBAoE versions of these two.

Healing Effectiveness Debuff - Single target or AoE, reduces the effectiveness of heals on an enemy by a certain %.

Ability Score Debuffs - Duh


Power Drain/Endurance Drains - Similar to the Lifetap, but drain Power or Endurance instead.


Raising Undead from Corpses

Mage Armor/Short Duration Armor buffs - basically something that lasts a long time, and gives a small bonus to AC, and a short duration with a huge bonus to AC.

Spell Resistance Buffs

Saving Throw Buffs

Blink - Like what the Mage is famous for in WoW.

Damage Shield - Absorbs X amount of Damage

Dimension Door - Longer distance than Blink but shorter than a full teleport.

Teleport (for very high level and dedicated Wizards/Sorcs)

Mount summoning

Globe of Invulnerability - All level 4 spells and below are automatically resisted

Enervation/Energy Drain - Temporary Negative levels

Stoneskin/Barkskin - Famous from D&D. They offer Damage Resistance up to X # of HP.

GTAoE DoT - You place it on the ground, anyone who remains in it takes damage over time

Light Spells - To allow players to see further away at night)

Speed Buffs - Both long duration and short duration bursts (which are much faster).

Wall Climb

Fly (Oh how I would love to see it)

Mirror Image - Duh

Unwilling Shield - Similar to Shield Other, but your enemy takes 50% of the damage you take.

Undead Anatomy - Polymorphs caster into Undead, in PF TT, Undead Anatomy IV is the highest version of this, and allows player to turn incorporeal (how cool would that be?).

Fear Spells - Single Target/Cone/AoE/PBAoE versions

Temporary Hit Points (Like False Life in D&D and PF TT)

Nearsight - Modifies how far someone can see (so archers can't shoot as far, casters can't cast as far, etc).

1-Hit Absorb - Buff that fully absorbs the damage of caster's next hit (helps a lot when an archer or rogue gets the jump on you, you can recover faster).

Confuse - NPC's attack eachother or anyone at random, players are forced to switch targets at random, and can attack teammates.

Damage Shields - Anyone that hits target takes X damage

Attack Speed Debuffs - Target isn't able to attack as often

DD/Snare - Both damages the target and drops movement speed

Goblin Squad Member

I think that the easiest schools for them to implement will probably be Abjuration, Evocation, and Necromancy, since a lot of the spells in those schools are similar to spells that have already been done in other MMOs.

Divination will be a huge balance headache, but also very cool if they can get it right (and I have faith!). Conjuration has some spells that will be kind of easy, others that are new to the video game scene and will be challenging. Transmutation may be easy or hard, depending on how true to the TT feel they want to make it. Enchantment is a weird one because there are a lot of Save or Lose type effects in there, and losing control of your character is not very fun to have happen in a game.

Illusion holds a special place in my heart, but unfortunately I don't see it happening in PFO. Some spells like Invisibility could be possible but will need to be balanced a lot or just be incredibly difficult to obtain. Other spells like the Image line just can't be done any way that I can see. The Shadow line could probably be done but it'll be tricky setting up the spellbooks to work with that I think.

As for spells I'd like to see, Fly and Invisibility are staples that will change the way casters feel if we don't have access to them. I doubt we will though any time soon, possibly ever. It's just the nature of trying to implement spells in a video game that are so easy to work with in a TT format.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

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I would rather see noncombat spells, like one that replaced cartography training in the creation of maps, or one that increased carry capacity, or one that does nothing but have a very flashy effect.

Goblin Squad Member

I'd like to see different kinds of spells for different purposes in combat like burning hands, fireball, wall of fire, fireshield etc. It would be cool if the spells would be dynamic like gear with different tiers or levels or keywords or that they would evolve some how or that a character could enhance individual spells that he likes etc.

Aeioun Plainsweed wrote:
I'd like to see different kinds of spells for different purposes in combat like burning hands, fireball, wall of fire, fireshield etc. It would be cool if the spells would be dynamic like gear with different tiers or levels or keywords or that they would evolve some how or that a character could enhance individual spells that he likes etc.

Sounds like we have a Pyromancer on our hands... ;)

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

Aeioun Plainsweed wrote:
I'd like to see different kinds of spells for different purposes in combat like burning hands, fireball, wall of fire, fireshield etc. It would be cool if the spells would be dynamic like gear with different tiers or levels or keywords or that they would evolve some how or that a character could enhance individual spells that he likes etc.

Check out the blog: I Put a Spell on You, particularly "Elements of a Spell". Hopefully most of it still applies with the changes to generalize spells to expendables, but at least some of it has likely changed.

Goblin Squad Member

Nightdrifter wrote:
Aeioun Plainsweed wrote:
I'd like to see different kinds of spells for different purposes in combat like burning hands, fireball, wall of fire, fireshield etc. It would be cool if the spells would be dynamic like gear with different tiers or levels or keywords or that they would evolve some how or that a character could enhance individual spells that he likes etc.
Check out the blog: I Put a Spell on You, particularly "Elements of a Spell". Hopefully most of it still applies with the changes to generalize spells to expendables, but at least some of it has likely changed.

Thanks! There's so much stuff in the blog I always forget something. That spell system sounds really robust!

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

DeciusBrutus wrote:
I would rather see noncombat spells, like one that replaced cartography training in the creation of maps, or one that increased carry capacity, or one that does nothing but have a very flashy effect.

What DB said. Combat spells are a given, but everyone is going to have those. Archers and fighters can deal damage and root and all that just as good as a mage using ranged and close combat spells. The only different there is the presentation and that a wizard's effects might hurt a little more or cover a bigger area.

What really sets mages apart in the tabletop is their utility spells. The ones that make life easier or allow you to skirt the rules a bit. Or spells like Phantom Steed that allow you to ride around on your ghost horse while mere mortals have to use their feet like a sucker.

I agree that utility spells are important, and so are damage spells. I would also like to point out though, that defensive spells are important. I'm so sick of mages going down in one-two hits.

It's important that temporary magical defenses allow mages to maintain damage just as well (or better) than a tank can, but only for a short time, and at the cost of some powerful spells. This is why spells that improve armor, absorb damage, cause the enemy to miss, or give resistance against spells are of paramount importance.

I'd like to have a combination of damage, utility, and of course, defense.

Animate object so I can enslave a million brooms. :p

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