Little Skylark |

My characters are about to enter a tomb. It's a highly secured tomb, especially against evil. It was built so evil can't get in and undead cant get out.
I do have some security and monsters, but I need more, I would like to give this tomb an old complex feel. Could you help me with different monsters, fluff and traps?

StDrake |

Fluff shoud've gone first and if your characters decided to go there then I assume you've given them some reasons to. As you worded it evil characters shouldnt have been able to enter..good ones probably shouldnt want to, so we're missing some important info.
By the limited information you gave I'd expect to see mostly low level undead and some guardians that don't need to go out too often so as not to compromise the security - constructs come to mind and there was this one construct with something about tombs in their names..tomb sentinel? cant remembe. Paradoxally some undead might be good, even undead paladins sworn to protect the place even beyond their lifespans if necessity requires.
Traps bearing riddles requiring knowledge of prayers to good-aligned deities make sense too. After all people prociding burial services had to go in and back out somehow.

Andru Watkins |

Maybe a graveknight is looking to defile the tomb where his previous companions were buried for some sinister purpose.
Since the tomb is supposed to prevent evil from getting in, maybe the use of some holy spells that have been altered can be used.
Oh, and haunts. Seeing a paladins downfall would be neat.

Little Skylark |

Fluff shoud've gone first and if your characters decided to go there then I assume you've given them some reasons to. As you worded it evil characters shouldnt have been able to enter..good ones probably shouldnt want to, so we're missing some important info.
By the limited information you gave I'd expect to see mostly low level undead and some guardians that don't need to go out too often so as not to compromise the security - constructs come to mind and there was this one construct with something about tombs in their names..tomb sentinel? cant remembe. Paradoxally some undead might be good, even undead paladins sworn to protect the place even beyond their lifespans if necessity requires.Traps bearing riddles requiring knowledge of prayers to good-aligned deities make sense too. After all people prociding burial services had to go in and back out somehow.
You're wright, I gave to little information.
The characters are entering this tomb because there is a corps down there that has answers they need, most of them are good, one is neutral.The dead burried here where either rich, had to be protected from being turend into undead by evil clerics or had a high risk of becoming undead (murdered brutally for instance).

Rynjin |

So, just to give you a "formula" for picking these out (since I don't know the level or EXACTLY the feel you want). Staying away from the obvious Zombies and Skeletons, we have:
-Serial killers/murderers = Mohrgs
-Cannibals = Ghouls
-Violent death/just plain mean = Wights
-Violent death + Wants revenge on the murderer = Revenants
-Betrayed lover (Elf) = Banshee
All of these can be good candidates depending on the level. Personally, I LOVE Revenants, but they're really more suited towards adventures where the Revenant actually has a chance of getting at his murderer...interesting to see if the party will work with them or not.
And, of course, traps...except we don't want traps.
No sir, we want traps' buffer, meaner, cooler cousin: Haunts.
Something there for everybody, and for every level. Everything from "Mildly annoying" to "Man that was kinda scary" to "I almost s$#! myself and half the party is dead" can be found in a Haunt.
Don't be afraid to reskin them for your purposes. Some have really cool and spooky effects, so the built-in flavor and scenario shouldn't stop you from using them.
If it's more of a "Funeral complex" that was abandoned because it was too dangerous and was hallowed to ward out evil and such, reskinning Old Ember Maw into a crematory oven could be cool.