Nylanfs |

PCGen v6.02.0 RC2 is the second release candidate for PCGen 6.2. It represents a product we believe is ready for production use and which we would like your assistance in testing out. In particular the PCGen team would appreciate your feedback on importing your characters and data from earlier versions of PCGen. For the full detail on these and all other changes made in this alpha release, check out the Release Notes.
If you have reported a bug at any time in the previous year, please test this system and get back with the development team if it hasn't been resolved, there are a few that haven't been addressed yet.
We would also like to expressly point out that with this version we will also start supporting Non-d20 systems! Most notably the Ennie winning system Killshot from Broken Ruler Games and Fantasy Craft by Crafty Games.
PCGen is a RPG character generator and maintenance program. All datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns. Please join us at PCGen@Yahoo! or visit our Website and wiki.
PCGen Public Relations Team

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I just started using PCGen the other day and slow speed aside I like the program's utility and flexibility so far (made four test characters with it in two days, which is incredible seed for me). The only issue I'm running into is that I'm making a Witch of the Winter Archetype and I can't add Ray of Frost to my Level-0 spells as the archetype allows. Is there a way to manually add a spell to the spell list that I'm just not seeing?

David R. Bender - PCGen Monkey |

Which data sets to you have loaded? and I am assuming you are using PCGen 6.02.00 (either RC2 or Production).
-- david
edit: Do you mean winter patron?
edit2: I think you mean the winter witch archetype from the Reign of WInter Players Guide, right? If yes, it looks like it has not been coded up. Please open a Jira and someone will look into it, thanks.

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I'm getting it from "Inner Sea Magic", but I guess it's the same archetype either way. I am using 6.02.00, and this is what I have loaded:
Princes of Darkness - Book of the Damned, Volume 1
Dark Markets - A Guide to Katapesh (Conversion)
Dragon Empires Gazetteer
Guide to the River Kingdoms
Heart of the Jungle
Inner Sea Bestiary
Inner Sea World Guide
Seekers of Secrets - A Guide to the Pathfinder Society
Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play
Blood of Fiends
Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Dragon Empires Primer
Dungeoneer's Handbook
Dwarves of Golarion
Faiths of Balance
Faiths of Corruption
Faiths of Purity
Gnomes of Golarion
Goblins of Golarion
Halflings of Golarion
Inner Sea Primer
Orcs of Golarion
Pirates of the Inner Sea
Qadira, Gateway to the East
Sargava, the Lost Colony
Advanced Player's Guide
Advanced Race Guide
Bestiary 2
Bestiary 3
Core Rulebook
Ultimate Combat
Ultimate Equipment
Ultimate Magic
So what is a Jira and how do I open one? (I hate being n00bish about this, but up until now I've done all character creation by hand and have zero experience with these types of things).

David R. Bender - PCGen Monkey |

Inner Sea Magic is not in your loaded list. Please send me the .pcg file to
-- david
edit: Inner Sea Magic is not in the download for 6.2. It is still being worked on. How are you seeing the Winter Witch Archetype? I think you are really selecting the Winter Patron, and they are not the same thing.

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I know the book (and thus the archetype) are not implemented; I have the PDF of Inner Sea Magic and I was mostly asking about a way to manually add Ray of Frost to the Witch's Level-0 spells to make it work for the time being (it is literally the one and only thing I am hung up on). If that can't be done, that's fine.

David R. Bender - PCGen Monkey |

The easiest way to do this (not the best) is to edit the following file:
@\data\pathfinder\paizo\roleplaying_game\advanced_players_guide\apg_spells. lst
and insert a line after line 628:
Ray of Frost.MOD CLASSES:Witch=0
(tabs between the .MOD and CLASSES:)
Two "problems" with doing it this way. Every witch will have access to this spell, but you can remove it via double left clicking on it in the known section, and also every time you update PCGen you will have to make this modification again. The correct / best way to create a home brew with the winter witch archetype in it or wait for the Inner Sea Magic to be done, or the Reign of Winter Players Guide to be finished.
Jira's here:
Inner Sea Magic
Reign of Winter Players Guide
Both of them have active data monkeys.
-- david

Nylanfs |

LegacyKing |

I've done a fix for the Sheets we have, it will be in the next release.
@Vod Canockers, if you wouldn't mind making my job slightly easier and open a DATA BUG over at http://jira.pcgen.org that way I can communicate with you easier, and allows you to see progress on issues that matter to you. I don't normally monitor these forums.
Andrew Maitland (PCGen Admin Monkey, Data 2nd)

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I tried making the modification, Mr. Bender, but then I got an error whenever I tried to load PCGen (removing the line restored it to functionality), so I'm not sure I did it right. The lines are not numbered so I had to take my best guess (I opened this in Notepad, so if there's a better program I'd very much like to know). I placed it right under "Rampart" and right above "Rebuke" in the first section of the LST file, since these seem to be in alphabetical order unless I'm way off. There seems to be a lot of data for the other spells (indicating school, range, etc.); does that all have to be entered as well? And does spacing on the tabbing matter?

Distant Scholar |

I tried making the modification, Mr. Bender, but then I got an error whenever I tried to load PCGen [...] And does spacing on the tabbing matter?
It matters quite a bit.
Ray of Frost.MOD<tab>CLASSES:Witch=0
I'm guessing you have extra spaces or something in your line. There should be (at least) one tab between the .MOD and the CLASSES, and no spaces.
It doesn't matter which line it's on, as long as it's on its own line.
Ray of Frost already exists in the data as a spell, so you don't need to re-type all of that in. You just need to MODify it to add it to the Witch spell list.
There are lots of programs better than Notepad. :-) I currently use Notepad++ on my Windows machine when editing PCGen files. Good old Notepad works well for quick edits, though.