Mythic Divine Source Questions

Rules Questions

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I'm looking for some clarification/feedback/validation on Divine Source. One of my Wrath of the Righteous players wants to take this ability, and I want to make sure I'm implementing it properly.

Divine Source (Su) wrote:

(1) You can grant divine spells to those who follow your cause, allowing them to select you as their deity for the purposes of determining their spells and domains.
(2) Select two domains upon taking this ability.
(3) These domains must be alignment domains matching your alignment if possible, unless your alignment is neutral.
(4) You grant access to these domains as if you were a deity.
(5) Creatures that gain spells from you don't receive any spells per day of levels higher than your tier; they lose those spell slots.
(6) In addition, you can cast spells from domains you grant as long as their level is equal to or less than your tier.
(7) Each day as a spell-like ability, you can cast one spell of each level equal to or less than your tier (selecting from those available to you from your divine source domains).
(8) If you're a cleric or you venerate a deity, you may change your spell domains to those you grant others.
(9) At 6th tier and 9th tier, you can select this ability again, adding one domain and two subdomains to your list each time and adding their spells to the list of those that you can cast.

Based on my reading, I stipulate the following:

1) A LG Oracle must take both Law and Good domains as their first choices, per sentence 3.
2) Said LG Oracle would add the spell lists of their selected domains (up to their tier) to their spells known per sentence 5.
3) In addition to adding the spells to their spell known list, said Oracle can use one Domain spell per spell level (limited by their tier) as a SLA, per sentence 7.

Any disagreements?

Now here come my questions.
4) Does a character get access to the Domain powers of their selected domains? The language stipulates access to spells limited by Tier, but doesn't mention granted powers (or other abilities, for example Travel's +10' of movement). It's sort of odd they could give those powers to others but not have access to it themselves, so I'm inclined to grant them.
5) Per sentence 9, when selecting subdomains, is the character required to already have the Associated Domain? A cleric would not normally be allowed to have both a subdomain and it's associated domain, but it strikes me that the character should do so in this case.
6) Sentence 8 strikes me as a little clunky. Does this imply that divine caster characters who worship a particular deity also get domain slots? My immediate reaction is no - this is intended for Inquisitors, Domain Druids, Sacred Servant Paladins, etc. who have Domains already.
7) For those domains and subdomains that grant Miracle as their 9th level spell, isn't this a license to have a no-material component (SLA) "very powerful request" Miracle each day? If the character is granting their own Miracle, that pretty much blows the "out of line with the deity's (or alignment's) nature is refused" clause out of the water, assuming the player is acting in character. As GM I'm feeling a need to introduce a heretofore undisclosed Overpower to moderate such a thing.

Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.

Don't know much about Mythic rules but as to #7

I basically agree with you ... even if the player is more or less granting themselves Miracle I would imagine whatever deity he followed (follows?!) is, at the very least, still looking over his shoulder and probably would step in if his former? follower started misusing his relatively newly acquired divine power. Probably don't even need an Overpower (quite yet anyway).

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Andoric wrote:
Divine Source (Su) wrote:
(7) Each day as a spell-like ability, you can cast one spell of each level equal to or less than your tier (selecting from those available to you from your divine source domains).
7) For those domains and subdomains that grant Miracle as their 9th level spell, isn't this a license to have a no-material component (SLA) "very powerful request" Miracle each day? If the character is granting their own Miracle, that pretty much blows the "out of line with the deity's (or alignment's) nature is refused" clause out of the water, assuming the player is acting in character. As GM I'm feeling a need to introduce a heretofore undisclosed Overpower to moderate such a thing.

Considering said character would have to 1) be at least 9th mythic tier and 2) have taken Divine Source at least twice (see items 3 and 9), being able to perform one miracle per day as a spell-like ability is IMO probably not that over-powered; a 9th-tier mythic character is pretty much a demigod(dess) as it is. If it really bothers you, set up the campaign so that the PCs only reach 8th mythic tier (or reach 9th-10th tier at 18th-20th level, shortly before the campaign ends).

For 4 as written, you grant access to others; your character gains no personal benefit. For 6 as written, you basically add the domain spells of the domains you grant (up to your tier) to your spells known/spell list. For 8, if you are a cleric you can change out the domain(s) you selected from your deity for domain(s) you grant; you do not gain more domains/domain powers, you can only trade.

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