Day Job Rule Change Suggestion

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge 1/5

I've done some day job rolls as have most people playing I'll assume. My fighter has a Hunting Lodge Membership and my cleric has a Temple Membership.

The money is piddly at the best of times, or really hardly worth the effort, unless you have some other use for the skill while adventuring. But what if you could become a master of your art? The finest tracker in the whole of the Inner Sea or the finest surgeon within Absalom? Or the greatest lyrical composer, who's skills are sought after by the Imperial Royalty of Taldor and Cheliax?

My proposed addition to the current Day Job rolls would be that if you roll a 19 or a 20, you get a +1 to your specific skill. You aren't just Bob the lvl. 7 fighter, with 7 slots of Survival, for a total of 10. Maybe you got lucky and rolled 3 of these high rolls in your 18 scenarios and you are the finest tracker in the vicinity, more capable than the next 20 trackers at your level. After all, a 40 year-old lvl. 2 tracker probably should be better than the lvl. 7 20 year-old tracker. He's been doing this a lot longer and its his bread and butter. So it doesn't quite make sense that the young buck who's killed monsters on 20 different missions, should automatically be the better woodsman.

What do you guys think?

4/5 ****

No thanks. Rolling well on your Day Job is reward enough without having to track an extra untyped bonus etc.

I think it's a terrible idea, and I think - thankfully - that it will never happen. Every single random roll has been removed from the character creation process, and if you look at the Additional Resources you will see that virtually every opportunity to permanently alter your character sheet through random rolls is not authorized for PFS. The idea that Character A gets to be objectively better than Character B due to a roll on a chart somewhere is something the Society leadership is clearly against - and a good thing, too.

Silver Crusade 3/5

There are two changes to Day Jobs that I would like to see:
1. Refinement of the scale. It would be nice if rolling a 12 was a greater result than rolling a 10.
2. Expansion of the scale. It is actually possible to roll well above the table, even at mid levels.

Other than that, I am fairly happy with Day Jobs in PFS.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Pirate Rob wrote:
No thanks. Rolling well on your Day Job is reward enough without having to track an extra untyped bonus etc.

Agreed. While that might seem flavorful, it doesn't make a lot of sense. Plus, to me at least, it does make more sense that the younger, more experienced (in game) gets paid more.


I personally think that the rules for the day job checks are fine. I feel that any changes to the checks will just encourage confusion.


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The Fox wrote:
2. Expansion of the scale. It is actually possible to roll well above the table, even at mid levels.

There's a convention boon for this, Prosperity I believe. It's been out for over a year now though. One of my characters has been using it for all that time, and I certainly wouldn't be upset if an (if not necessarily THAT) expanded scale was opened up for everyone.

Sovereign Court 4/5

The way I see it, you get to be the greatest [occupation] in all the land when you hone it like any other skill. This is each and every point you put into it. Its why my 8th lvl dancer has a +30 on his dancing check (that and a spirit's blessing) and my 11th lvl ranger only has a +22 or so in survival. One trains harder and uses it more, regardless of age.

5/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Germany—Hamburg

Eric Saxon wrote:

My proposed addition to the current Day Job rolls would be that if you roll a 19 or a 20, you get a +1 to your specific skill.

After all, a 40 year-old lvl. 2 tracker probably should be better than the lvl. 7 20 year-old tracker.

Btw, your proposed rules addition would favor the 20 year-old, because he had up to 18 opportunities to get that bonus, while the 40 year-old had only up to 3 opportunities.

Also, this would result in lots of players creating old characters (since age is just a matter of description) and then argue that they should gain a bonus on their day job because they are old enough to be more experienced.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

The age thing is accounted for in the rules by age modifiers to ability scores. This is a rules subset that PFS does not use.

Scarab Sages 4/5

I propose that we keep it the same. It works fine now and there is no need to confuse people further on a system that rewards you for basically spending a skill point here and there. There is also a the aforementioned convention boon there is also 2 scenarios

Green Market
that lets you gain and permanent +2 bonus on all future day job rolls, and then there is a boon for Quadira in Season 5
The Glass River Rescue
that also gives you a +2 if you get your faction mission.

Next you will be wanting GM's to get Day Job rolls and then you will be wanting to get say job rolls for bonus GM stars, yes I know you can already kind of do that, but I think the system is fine and doesn't need to be updated or changed.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Besides the expansion of the scale idea, I believe the day job rules should remain as they have been all this time. There are more than enough vanities and boons out there that give bonuses to day jobs that throwing the untyped bonus in the mix would cause nothing but confusion.


The idea is not bad. It could be done as a boon. The kind with three checkmarks. This wouldn't open it up to every single character, but could be an option.
(Personally I would like to see aid others from a permanent source be allowable, but meh, its only a plus +2)

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