Dirty Trick in combination with...

Rules Questions


I was recently toying with idea of taking Dirty Trick chain on a gnome bard and suddenly a whole new world opened to me when I realized, what if you can combine specific items along into dirty trick combat maneuver. Several examples are given below:

- Use the acid flask to spray it directly into the opponents eyes/face.
- Use the tanglefoot bag to disable opponents movement.

So my question is, can you do it? Could the target receive additional damage or condition if some specific item would normally trigger it? I am curious if this is possible.

Thanks upfront on responses,


This is up to GM digression as there are no rules for this specific combination. As rules stand currently, alchemical items could be used flavor-wise but they would not actually do anything other than the dirty trick effect.

Shadow Lodge

they have item feats in the pathfinders guide. i really like the sunrod flash bang, but no you technically cant do this. this would be more of a called shot type situation.


I would still like to hear several more responses from other people. It seems however that each time I post topic, people don't know what to answer :I.

Thanks upfront on responses again,


Malag wrote:
I would still like to hear several more responses from other people. It seems however that each time I post topic, people don't know what to answer :I.

As a DM, I would rather not make house rules regarding this, because Dirty Trick already is one of the best combat maneuvers. It is versatile, effective and especially compared to the popular trip there are few opponents immune to it. No matter if you can fly or slither about, you can get blinded. It is also one of the few player options to make an enemy shaken and then frightened without a save.

So no, I'd be against making it better by allowing item buffs to it. Which is not to say that I wouldn't give a bonus to an ingeniously dirty trick now and then if the description fits the situation well. But a fixed rule means that the player will just use acid every time, and that is rather a rules mechanics boost than a cool story.

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