Spanky the Leprechaun |

Rawr! |

Whatever. I guess I'll go binge on all those tragedies that Hollywood makes on a regular basis. Or the movies with really well-developed sympathetic villians with compelling backstories and understandable motives. I'll keep an eye out for the rare gem of a movie that somehow slips through the system with a happy ending and trite message for your sake. I certainly can't think of well over a thousand movies that boiled down to an extraordinary character learning to accept and overcome their differences. Frozen is probably the only one.
You like Community, so what do you know?

Ambrosia Slaad |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sebastian wrote:You like Community, so what do you know?*sigh*
Whatever. I guess I'll go binge on all those tragedies that Hollywood makes on a regular basis. Or the movies with really well-developed sympathetic villians with compelling backstories and understandable motives. I'll keep an eye out for the rare gem of a movie that somehow slips through the system with a happy ending and trite message for your sake. I certainly can't think of well over a thousand movies that boiled down to an extraordinary character learning to accept and overcome their differences. Frozen is probably the only one.
Hey! {wipes away tears, re-lights candles in SixSeasonsandaMovie shrine}

Laugh Track |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sebastian wrote:You like Community, so what do you know?*sigh*
Whatever. I guess I'll go binge on all those tragedies that Hollywood makes on a regular basis. Or the movies with really well-developed sympathetic villians with compelling backstories and understandable motives. I'll keep an eye out for the rare gem of a movie that somehow slips through the system with a happy ending and trite message for your sake. I certainly can't think of well over a thousand movies that boiled down to an extraordinary character learning to accept and overcome their differences. Frozen is probably the only one.
WHAAAAAAAAA!!!! *sob* TV is dead, entertainment is dead, life is an empty void of pain and misery.

Aranna |

Rawr! wrote:Sebastian wrote:You like Community, so what do you know?*sigh*
Whatever. I guess I'll go binge on all those tragedies that Hollywood makes on a regular basis. Or the movies with really well-developed sympathetic villians with compelling backstories and understandable motives. I'll keep an eye out for the rare gem of a movie that somehow slips through the system with a happy ending and trite message for your sake. I certainly can't think of well over a thousand movies that boiled down to an extraordinary character learning to accept and overcome their differences. Frozen is probably the only one.
** spoiler omitted **
Awww... Hey look on the bright side TV is only getting better. Big Bang Theory is going strong and is the best comedy on TV. You could always watch that if you crave comedies.

Ambrosia Slaad |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Awww... Hey look on the bright side TV is only getting better. Big Bang Theory is going strong and is the best comedy on TV. You could always watch that if you crave comedies.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Watching Big Bang Theory makes me want to dig out my SebastiCo Home Trepanning Kit and start swiss cheese'ing my noggin.
Watching Big Bang Theory makes me want to ask The Mountain to give my skull a hug.
Watching Big Bang Theory makes me want to ask The Mountain to massage my eyeballs and Khan Noonien "Corinthian Leather" Singh for his home remedy for ear-cleaning.
I would rather sit in a burning house,
I would rather fight Ronda Rous(ey),
I would rather have chicken pox,
I would rather bites from a rabid fox,
I would not watch it here or there,
I would not watch it anywhere!
I do not like Big Bang Theory,
I do not like it, A-ran-nee!

![]() |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm with Ambrosia Slaad on this one.
Oh, was this a Frozen thread? I liked Frozen well enough...but despite really enjoying this genre of movies it left me a little cold*. No idea why, none of the critiques I've seen in this thread seem particularly fair to me.

Kirth Gersen |

A little while back, Mrs. Gersen and I decided to get it, just to see what the hype was about. We did NOT like this movie. I have an age-old, burning, unquenchable hatred for the whole "plot twist that invalidates previous scenes but you're supposed to overlook that because it's oh-so-clever to have a plot twist for the sake of having a plot twist" thing.
Mrs Gersen, normally a huge fan of musicals, thought the songs sounded like someone set out intentionally to write the most forgettable, generically Disney-sounding songs ever written.
Bear in mind, this was before out daughter was born. I dread the day when little Cora finds it on the shelf and begins watching it in an endless loop lasting for years.

Aranna |

Well I like it Orthos. And I was honest, it is funny. I am certainly not alone, look at it's numbers. I also know humor is personal, so I am not upset that a few people don't like it. If someone found that magical formula to make everyone like a show they would own the world.
And I liked Seinfeld too. slice of life humor, it's awesome. But then I hate slapstick humor and lots of people like that. We each have our own preferences.