Enhancement Bonus Rules?

Rules Questions

So, after searching the Core, Advanced and Ultimate Guides and half the internet, I still have yet to find the rules for Enhancement Bonuses; i.e. how much they cost, what the cap is, things like that. Can someone direct me to the page I'm obviously missing? Much appreciated. ;3

What kind of enhancement bonus are you thinking of? + to armor? + to weapon? + to stat? It is a different price for each type.

Armor and weapons. I just need to know because my players are likely to want to enhance their weapons and armor soon, and knowing the rules for such would likely help lol.

I specifically need to know how much you can enhance a single piece of armor/single weapon; does it cap at +1, or can you go higher?

A specific piece of armor/shield or weapon all have a cap of +10. But only 5 of those enhancement bonuses can be numerical value.
Take for an example a weapon that you enhance to the maximum:
+5 (and a total of +5 enhancement bonuses, such as flaming and the like).
Magic item section of the core rulebook has the specific rules.
The same rule governs armors and shields.
Also note, that a weapon that is enhanced to +3 (numerical) counts as most rare materials, for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
A +4 weapon (numerical value) can pierce adamantine damage reduction.
A +5 weapon can pierce alignment damage reduction. These bonuses all stack, so a +5 weapon counts as any special material AND alignment.

Thank you very much sir, that's everything I needed to know. I appreciate your quick, clear and concise response immensely. ;D

Edit- Hm. That's weird. I posted this after you said that, and yet it's been put before that post... Odd. XD

Oh. And the cost:
If you are buying it from an NPC, then the standard price is bonus squared x 1000 for shield/armor. (ie. +1 armor = 1k gold; +2 armor = 4k gold).
A weapon has a standard price of bonus squared x 2000. (ie. +1 = 2k; +2 = 8k.)
This is for the magical part. You must also pay for a masterwork version of the item to be enhanced.

If the players themselves are creating the magic items, then the price is halved, but then they need specific feats for it and time to do it.

Costs go like such.

Weapon: Bonus squared times 2000 gold.

So a +1 sword is 2000 gold. A +2 sword is 8000 gold (2*2*2000). A +3 sword is 18000. You get the idea.

Armor is half that.

Armor: Bonus squared times 1000 gold.

So +1 armor is 1000, +2 armor is 4000, and so on.

A piece of weapon or armor can have a total of +5 enhancement, and a further +5 in special abilities (Flaming and such for weapons).

In addition, higher enhancement bonuses grant higher DR penetration, regardless of actual ability to penetrate specific DR (like needing Align Weapon to beat DR/Alignment).

+1: Magic
+2: N/A
+3: Cold Iron and Silver
+4: Adamantine
+5: Alignment

+6 also overcomes DR/Epic, but normally that's not possible. +4 Bane or Furious weapons can manage it, however.

Edit: Lifat has ninja training.

But you have better formatting :D

And now you both have cookies for helping me. *Gives cookies* =D

Here are the references:
Armor and Shields

Alternately, you can find them on CRB p463 (Armor and Shields) and CRB p468 (Weapons).

GRAAAUP! And now Rynjin has no cookies because I ate them all. He was to slow! :P

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