RJGrady |
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Take stuff from one class, stuff from another, add something unique for spice, and give it a stir; it's a winning recipe. That concept was the basis for many of the classes in our classic book, Adventuring Classes: A Fistful of Denarii. Some of the classes therein include:
Beastmaster: This master of beasts combines a barbarian's savage instincts with a druid's animal companion, with abilities that support fighting side by side.
Bounty Hunter: A martial character who combines a ranger's extraordinary stalking capabilities with a rogue's sneak attack to take down the most dangerous game... dead or alive.
Corbie: A variant fighter who borrows a few of the rogue and bard's knacks with a little luck all their own.
Corsair: A fighter-rogue of the seven seas, rugged, versatile, and dangerous.
Hunter: A non-spellcasting ranger variant with a sneak attack and a solid offense.
Knight: Fights like a fighter, inspires like a bard, the knight's resplendent powers give them a unique fighting style.
Martial Artist: A mix of fighter and monk, an unarmored master of combat.
Scholar: Combines a bard's lore with a rogue's "talents" in an entirely new way, using their knowledge, wisdom, and powers of observation to solve mysteries, delve tombs, and bring down legendary foes.
A Fistful of Denarii also includes the canny Gladiator, the perceptive and agile Scout, and the elusive Spy, all capable variant classes in their own right.
Buy it HERE. It's worth your silver pieces.
Also available as a print-on-demand softcover, here.

Orthos |

Love Love Love Fistful of Denarii. Got a Hunter in my game right now, started as a Rogue then rebuilt into Arcane Archer then later dumped all the magic bits and rebuilt into Hunter, and she's been having a blast.
Love me some Knight too, built one as a background NPC for my campaign and ran her through a competition the players were participating in and watched her destroy things. Really solidified in the players' minds just how accurate the tales about her badassery were.
Used some Scouts and Corbies most recently for some sneaky enemies, as well.
Highly recommended.