Awkward and Frustrating Situation


Liberty's Edge

I find myself in a tough situation. I have a DM running an AP for myself and a few others who seems to have a nebulous understanding of magic items and character wealth.

Recently he hand picked the following items for the party.

+1 adamantine polearm of throwing
+1 katana
+2 int headband
+1 ironwood breastplate

The breastplate was for my character. This is for my 18 dex archer.

I initially thought nothing if it. I assumed it was a mistake and privately contacted the DM. He assured me it was right. When I brought up the disparate values of the items he said he wasn't worried about the value. He believed them all to be roughly the same effectiveness.

I asked him if it could be mithril. He said no.

I find myself at an impasse. I'm tempted to drop out if the game but I'm worried it might look petty. I'm okay with getting the short end of the stick (not everyone is going to get the best share of the haul). I'm more worried about what this means. I'm worried about future hauls. Will I continue to get minor tertiary upgrades while everyone else gets the cream of the crop?

What should I do? I like the DM and his game but I've done my due diligence. Drop out of the game? Suck it up and live with being under-geared and out-performed?


The DM pinged me back and, after thinking about it, changed his mind. Tally another win for communication and decent DMs. Thanks you-know-who if you read this.

I think you should wait for a few examples (presuming that's the only example so far). It may just be he's going for a more organic feel rather than everyone getting an equivalent item at exactly the same time. Perhaps it will even out over the next few treasure hauls.

If he believes them all to be of the same value, then when you get to the next town, tell him you expect that to follow through when you sell it as it is not useful to your character, and then use the +1 Adamantine Polearm of Throwing to calculate your new gold total. Even halved it should buy you ... Around 5800g worth of Mithral goodness. I'm thinking +1 Mithril Breastplate should be a fair trade.

If that doesn't fly, ask him why not? It is half the cost of an "equivalent" item from his list. You're not even trying to get the full value, only half of what he believes was equal to begin with.

Feral wrote:

I'm tempted to drop out if the game but I'm worried it might look petty.

Go with that and hang in there. Maybe his next thing he hands out will be fun and interesting. As long as you're having fun and contributing you can be using a Q-tip.

Is your group already out-performing you?

Also, what would happen if your character talks to that fellow character needing an armor upgrade and just hand him your breastplate and agree that in exchange you get the big cut on gold so you can buy/order something useful soon?
If your character hands that not-useful item to another group member, that usually has the DM worried because his loot distribution did not turn out as he wanted, he should ponder the "why" at that point.

Also, be aware that talking "I got less wealth", is usually not the best way to tackle the problem... better say: hey, that breastplate is seriously hampering my mobility, I can't move in that darn thing! Explain to your DM how that breastplate will penalize your dex, which is your most important attribute: you have a +4 but breastplate limits you to +3 and slows you down, which is not a good idea for an archer who might want to get out of a danger zone.

Two more things that might be helpful to sort this out:

you and your fellow players should make a google-doc list of all items and who has them, that way your DM can always check who has what and adjust more easily.

Also, if that DM is an old AD&D / 3.5 DM he might be under the false impression that you, being an archer, need the equipment for becoming a switch-hitter. While some builds can do that in PF, it was way easier before. Make sure your DM understands that you want to purely focus on archery and mobility.

A DM handing out weird items is not necessarily because he wants to penalize you but often because he might think "oh, if that was me, I'd love this to be able to do that" but your way of playing your character and your expectations might be very different. Talk to him about what you expect out of this character and how you intend to fit into the group, because he might have the wrong idea.
Don't talk about wealth, that might be considered whining to get a bigger share.

I know you got a resolution from your GM, but I have to chime in here.

Is this an isolated incident? Maybe your GM doesn't give "equal" rewards every time. I sure don't. Maybe one hoard has something great for one PC and junk for everyone else, but then maybe a couple hoards later a different PC gets something great - I make sure to balance it out for everyone, but I definitely don't even try to balance every hoard.

So suck it up. I mean that fairly nicely. ONE isolated incident where you don't get what you want is not even close to the point of bailing on the group. Suck it up and stick it out and see if, after a few more sessions, the GM displays a pattern of continued favoritism to everyone else. My guess is he won't, in which case this post was very premature and totally unwarranted.

But on the off-hand chance he does continue to provide unbalanced loot for everyone except you, talk to him about your ONGOING concerns. Remember, you LIKE this GM, you said so, so give him a chance to balance your group's rewards AND give him a chance to listen to your REASONABLE concerns after he HAS demonstrated a pattern of neglecting your character.

If all that fails, then, ONLY then, does it make sense to consider bailing on a GM you like.

And if your situation is not one isolated incident, if you already have an ongoing pattern of neglect (despite failing to mention it in your OP), well, then have the discussion about the whole problem (not just the one breastplate) and see if he listens to reason.

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