Looking for some feedback

Product Discussion

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Hello all.

This is Michael Allen, and I am the grand prize winner of the First Annual Pathmaster contest from AdventureAWeek.com.

I am working up some pitches for the six-part adventure path I will be writing for AAW and had a few questions for the crowd to help me define the scope of the project.

What scope of adventure path are you interested in?

An epic 1-20th level path?

A tighter (6-7 levels worth of advancement) path.

Or something in between.

If you are looking for a tighter path, what is your ideal level range?

Would you be up for an adventure path with a larger level spread that you had to drop in other adventures in between episodes to level up?

And finally, if you had to put a percentage on sandbox vs scripted tale where would your percentages lie?

Thanks in advance for any feedback. I am really looking forward to working on this.


Hey Michael, my gaming group does not play adventure paths, but I just wanted to say congratulations on winning the contest! :-)

Hope you get some useful feedback to get you going in the right direction (whichever that may be).


I think the selling-point of adventure-paths is that they DON'T _require_ DMs to insert modules - campaign-in-a-can, essentially. Yes, you can add more modules, supplements, but don't have to. All connected modules that are not of campaign lengths are usually called adventure ARCS.

Another thing: Sandbox-APs work, but are hard to pull off. APs, by their very structure, require a set of assumptions that puts the PCs in certain positions at the end of a module and at the beginning of the next. Personally, due to exactly this continuity/divergence of individual installments even in a story-focused game, I think that sandboxes (at least TRUE sandboxes) work better as mega-adventures à la Slumbering Tsar, Razor Coast or on a smaller scale, à la Horn of Geryon. In an AP, they can become problematic.

That being said, limited sandbox environments can ROCK - WotW II "Call forth Darkness" would spring to mind - a very sandboxy environment, but limited in its repercussions. I think in APs, a balance of 40%/60% in either way works well.

Hope that helps! Looking forward to reading your AP!

Thanks for the well wishes Jesper.

Thanks for your thoughts End!

Percolating happening over here....


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