Paizo has a chance to work with!!!

Paizo General Discussion

Hey Paizo can you guys look at working with and making some adventure path art/maps/tokens for sale on

I am about to start running a game of king maker however I can not get any of the maps that I have uploaded to the game due to the lock on the PDFs. Pehaps selling the artwork on might help widen some sales and also open some eyes to the website and it would be cool to get character are and stuff for adventures. Selling flip maps and tile sets would be great. Also they have card decks and perhaps you could also work out something along the lines with introducing your card decks into that as well.

Liberty's Edge

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You should be able to use the PDFs. I'm able to pull the maps and save them as jpgs/pngs with no problem. They will be coming out with some stuff soon once their own VTT is finally out.

Fantasy Grounds, FTW!

Heath it is not hard to take the maps from the pdfs. Adobe reader has the snap shot tool. That copies the map. Paste it into a paint program, and save it. Then upload it to

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step by step pdf map to png/jpeg...

1. Click the map in the PDF this will highlight the map. you might have to drag a felection box around the map.

2. right click->copy image (or ctrl+c)

3. open ms paint.

4. right click->paste (ctrl+v) into paint.

5. file->save with whatever name you want that choose the file extention you want .jepg or .png...or whatever you want to use. then save.

6. drag and drop the new file into

EDIT: this also works with other art in the book if you want to do handouts for your players.

I found out the hard way that there are some maps that the above does not work with (like flip mat PDFs). Heres what worked for me to get those into jpeg format.

If this is some kind of Paizo super secret...please remove the post and I'm sorry.

1. zoom/rotate until you have the entire map on your screen (or as much of it as you can.)

2. hit the "print screen" (prtscn) key on your keyboard.

3. open ms paint and paste (ctrl+v) into paint

4. use the crop tool to drag a square around the map itself then right click into the box and click crop.

5. Save and drag and drop into roll20 (you can resize in roll20 as needed.

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For some of the best (IMO) PDF tools, try SomePDF. The PDF to Images tool works great. I use it for all the APs that I run, so I can show my guys the pictures without all the text.

-- david

I've been using Paizo PDFs for the APs that I run in

That said, it would be nice if I didn't have to process the images by hand (even with a batch-extractor) and the images were correctly tagged and labeled.

I have a sense that they would not want to risk control of their art assets with a separate vendor. For me, it would be totally worth it. That's the only place they'd convince me to pay $1 for a digital map (or $10 for a set, etc).

It would be really nice not to have to muck about with my filesystem to use paizo assets.

I guess there is a conflict of interest with Paizo GameSpace, but this would be a source of revenue.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Ruick wrote:

I found out the hard way that there are some maps that the above does not work with (like flip mat PDFs). Heres what worked for me to get those into jpeg format.

If this is some kind of Paizo super secret...please remove the post and I'm sorry.

Not a problem. The reason you can't do it the normal way is that Adobe Reader treats any image that takes up the full page size as a "background", and for reasons I can't comprehend, they've removed Reader's ability to extract backgrounds.

Note that the process you're using may compromise image quality. You might just want to find a PDF viewer that's more friendly about image extraction.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Ruick wrote:

I found out the hard way that there are some maps that the above does not work with (like flip mat PDFs). Heres what worked for me to get those into jpeg format.

If this is some kind of Paizo super secret...please remove the post and I'm sorry.

Not a problem. The reason you can't do it the normal way is that Adobe Reader treats any image that takes up the full page size as a "background", and for reasons I can't comprehend, they've removed Reader's ability to extract backgrounds.

Note that the process you're using may compromise image quality. You might just want to find a PDF viewer that's more friendly about image extraction.

That was actually my problem to start with so I guess I could start doing some of this. That said It would be great to spend $10 and get all the maps for an AP along with some custom tokens that Paizo could have an artist make for unique characters like the stag lord and so forth. I would buy it.

Liberty's Edge

Also if the squares don't line up, try unchecking the grid option. The PCs won't STICK into the box, but they can certainly move them into them.

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