Special materials on a quarter staff

Rules Questions

I think I remember reading awhile back about an item or process that one could use to have the ends of a quarter staff shod with different metals, allowing a staff man to bypass certain damage reductions, but all my searching is coming up empty. All I've found is one reference to a magical staff as "iron-shod". Now I'm wondering if I just imagined reading a rule about this somewhere and it's just wishful thinking.

Does this ring any bells for anybody?

Well, RAW for adamantine/cold iron say "Items without metal parts cannot be made from adamantine [or cold iron]. An arrow could be made of adamantine [cold iron], but a quarterstaff could not.

So RAW I'd say you are out of luck. In any game I ran, I'd allow it though.

Shadow Lodge

I would allow it and also allow for different materials for each end, but the staff would still have its wood compenent as the material for things like sunder.

Creating Magic Weapons

Creating Magic Weapons wrote:
Creating magic double-headed weapons is treated as creating two weapons when determining cost, time, and special abilities.

Special Materials sais:

Special Materials wrote:
If you make a suit of armor or weapon out of more than one special material, you get the benefit of only the most prevalent material. However, you can build a double weapon with each head made of a different special material.

The problem with using different materials is not in the attack of the weapon, but rather the weapon resisting an attack. For example, an enemy tries to Sunder your quarterstaff made of Cold Iron and Mithral. Cold Iron has (Hardness 10, HP 30/inch) but Mithral has (Hardness 15, HP 30/inch). How much damage is resisted? 10 or 15? Per the hardness table, you go by the worst.


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