Managing prepared spells


RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

My PFS cleric just reached 10th level, so he has quite a few spells prepared each day. Does anyone have any practical tips on how to manage his prepared spells? Currently, I keep my character sheet inside a plastic sleeve, and keep an index card with his prepared spells paper-clipped to the upper corner (along with boxes in the bottom margin for other daily use abilities), and just mark them off with a dry erase marker when I use them.

But that index card is starting to get crowded, and since I have different spell lists for different kinds of missions (and sometimes have to customize even further), I have to pull it out to make changes. Is there a better way to manage this? Any useful apps, or something else?

Grand Lodge

I have tried out a lot of apps and I have not found one that does all I want in a spellbook. In some the spell is removed from the "book" when I mark it as cast and I have to rebuild it again for the next day. In others you can not memorise domain spells or they do not have the spells in the programs database.

Evernote is the best tool I have found and is what I use for my 12th level cleric. It takes a bit to set up but you can do it on your home computer and it updates across all your machines. I have a note with all spells memorised listed and linked. I then have his most common backup spells in parentheses if I want to fill an open slot or get to rememorize spells. I always keep, at least, one slot of each level open.

Spellcards work great for me - if I need more prepared than I have copies of that card I use counters(dice, beads, coins, bottlecaps, whatever). And then I have "decks" of easy to access spells.

I also use this when I GM. And for my player using Words of Power for his sorcerer; it's almost a necessity.

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