How to get this odd weapon to work...


So lately I've been running an ogrekin fighter and have the Quick at Hand ogre feat from the ogre listing in the beastiary. ( )

I've taken a liking to using a rope with 3 bear traps tied to the end. Each has its own length of 5ft rope tied to the main rope.

However I am trying to figure out how to get this to actually work as a ranged weapon and the mechanics of it. On top of that I am trying to figure out any way to improve the bear traps and rope so it can somewhat scale so it doesn't start to suck in the next few levels.

I don't really care for the damage, I just want it to snap at people it hits so I can drag them towards me/the party. Also to perhaps throw them at a square so it can snap on people walking over it.

If you have any ideas on how I could get this to functionally work or a half decent house ruling on it, that would be great. Also anything about getting the rope or bear traps better.

Wouldn't it simply be oversized Brutal Bolas? Or do you want the traps to actually function while throwing them at people?

I want the traps to function when thrown and hitting someone. Of course I imagine they would have to be reset whether the hit or not.

Bear Traps:
Atk +10 melee (2d6+3); sharp jaws spring shut around the creature’s ankle and halve the creature’s base speed (or hold the creature immobile if the trap is attached to a solid object); the creature can escape with a DC 20 Disable Device check, DC 22 Escape Artist check, or a DC 26 Strength check

Liberty's Edge

I started developing a trap tosser myself some time ago, hilarious! Unfortunately I realized as I did the numbers that I would lose more gold per encounter than earn :/
However I'm very interested in how people will side with the idea of tossing traps :)

Well, so far we determined I make a range attack and if it hits, the trap shuts on them.
Decided this due to the fact the trap just has to hit to snap shut.
After that, we use the escape dc's and damage for the bear trap which is found on aps/bear-traps-cr-1

Its also been ruled it is reusable since the reset is manual in the stats and the fact its a freakin metal bear trap and those things are sturdy.

Other than that, its just a matter of finding a way to improve the dc's which I believe there is a way through the craft traps.
Ill eventually get an adamantium ghost touch trap.

He is a ghost buster ;)

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Oh and I forgot to mention, we decided to just limit it to one trap on the rope, not 3. aps
That also explains how to increase the dc and the cost of traps

One thing to kerp in mind is when you use something as an improvised weapon it no longer functions as intended.

Basically your character shoukd basically be jusr hiting them with a really funky flail for all intents since your using the trap rules for ways they really were not dedigned for.

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