forums won't stay flat

Website Feedback

My messageboards (the main interface) re-expand every time I load the page. It just started this weekend.

Same here. My guess is that it was done to help reduce pressure on the system, but I dunno.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I also have this problem: it doesn't stay focused.

Me too. Like Cheapy, I presume it has to do with fixing checkout problems for the Great Golem Sale, but I hope it goes back to normal soon.

When I loaded the forums for the first time after posting this, and hit "flatten," it actually didn't--it just reloaded the expanded form. It worked when I clicked it the second time, though.

It stayed flat!

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

I don't have a lot of confidence they'll stay flat for you until we get some other kinks worked out of the site. But we're working on it.

Any progress here? I keep having to refocus several times a day, which I haven't had to do since the big site revamp a while back.

Hey, this has been working all day, Gary. Whatever you guys did, great job! :)

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